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There are two aspects in the issue of Korean peninsula, one is in what way the south and the north get reunited, the other is how to maintain peace in Korean peninsula before reunification and whether the reunited country can be recognized by the big powe

There are twenty-six letters in the alphabet. 字母表里有26个字母。
There are two Sorts of People in the World, who with equal Degrees of Health, &Wealth, and the other Comforts of Life, become, the one happy, and the other miserable. 世界上有两种人,他们的健康、财富、以及生活上的各种享受大致相同,结果,一种人是幸福的,另一种却得不到幸福。
There are two airplanes flying in the sky, which look like two fish swimming one after the other; also like two silver slippers but not like huge birds. 天上飞着俩飞机,看上去像一前一后游泳的鱼,又像两只银色拖鞋,就是不像大鸟。
There are two approaches to valuing assets. 评估资产价值的方式有两种。
There are two armchairs, a sofa and a television in the living room. 起居室里有两把扶手椅,一张沙发和一台电视。
There are two aspects in the issue of Korean peninsula, one is in what way the south and the north get reunited, the other is how to maintain peace in Korean peninsula before reunification and whether the reunited country can be recognized by the big powe 朝鲜半岛问题的内容有两个:一是南北方之间采取何种方式实现统一;二是在统一之前大国如何维持朝鲜半岛和平以及统一后的朝鲜半岛国家如何被有关大国接受。
There are two aspects to time asymmetry that might create the false impression that time is flowing. 时间的不对称有两个面向可能会造成时间流动的错觉。
There are two aspects-the nature and social aspect-of labour liberation, its key content is the transformation from alien labour to unrestrained activity. 劳动解放包含自然层面的解放和社会层面的解放两方面内容,其核心内容是劳动成为自主活动。
There are two basic types of cost accounting systems: job order cost accounting and process cost accounting. 有两种基本的成本会计方法:分披成本会计与分步成本会计。
There are two basic types of superchargers, positive displacement and centrifugal. 有两基本的类增压器,积极的替代和离心。
There are two bathrooms in my house. 我们家有两个浴室。

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