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Metallic materials with high strength and high tenacity have been applied to products such as armors ,speedboat, automobiles ,bulletproof vest and steel helmet,etc.

Metallgie?erei Ralf Mewes GmbH - our products and services are covered into the following ranges: Metal castings, Metal goods and Light metal cast as well as Ingot pouring and/or Light metal permanent mould casting. 是一家令客户满意的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如轻金属铸件。
Metallic Cylinder door locks in various color shades. 求购汽缸门锁,各种颜色的形状。
Metallic cementation is the common use of the material surface modification. 渗金属是材料表面改性的常用手段之一。
Metallic fabrics and monochrome all look amazing. 富有金属的织物和黑白色调的衣服看上去都很美。
Metallic flavour. Unpleasant flavour of some wines heavily contaminated with metals. 金属味:当一些葡萄酒被金属严重污染时所带有的令人不快的风味。
Metallic materials with high strength and high tenacity have been applied to products such as armors ,speedboat, automobiles ,bulletproof vest and steel helmet,etc. 高强高韧金属材料已应用于装甲、快艇、汽车、防弹衣、钢盔等。
Metallic may be the sundries and materials you use with your arrangements but could also mean silver or glitter sprayed twigs or glitter dipped flowers! 金属色泽可能是你作品中的装饰品或材料,同时也可能是上了银色、闪亮颜色的小树枝或者是沾上闪亮颜色的花材!
Metallic phase analysis reveals that both Vietnamese and Chinese timbals are very similar, which provides an important message of cultural communication between ancient China and Viet Nam. 从技术角度进一步提供了中、越古代铜鼓文化的交流传播的重要信息。
Metalline phase diagram experimental stove,microcomputer controller,accessories (from front to back: platinic resistance, rubber stopple and stainless steel thimble inserted into the glass tube, white carborundum tube. 从前向后为铂电阻、橡皮塞与不锈钢套管插在玻璃管中、白色碳化硅管).
Metallocene branched polyethylenes prepared by oligomerization catalysts at different ratio vary in physical properties, and the ratio of cocatalyst to oligomerization catalyst of 8.72:1 gives good physical properties and processing properties. 以不同配比齐聚-共聚催化剂聚合的茂金属支化聚乙烯的基本物性不同,当共聚/齐聚催化剂配比为8.72:1时,基本性能和加工性能较好。
Metallurgists of the time are not thought to have known about this technique. 人们认为当时的冶金学家并不了解这种技术。

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