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Thus, a vasculitis is present.

Thus, a neuron can respond to inputs in only one way: it can either decide to send a signal on to the next neuron in the circuit by firing an impulse through its axon, or not. 因此神经元对输入的回应方式只有一种:它要嘛就产生冲动,让讯号沿著轴突传给下一个神经元,要嘛就什麽都不做。
Thus, a new approach was available to utilize the potentiality of intrinsic unsteady flow. 为固有非定常潜能的利用提供了一类新途径。
Thus, a seat belt law reduces the benefits to slow and careful driving. 这样,安全带法律为慢速和小心的驾驶减少了利益。
Thus, a seat belt law tends to increase the number of pedestrian deaths. 这样,安全带法的趋势是增加行人死亡的数字。
Thus, a user can potentially terminate the existing query with a semicolon and follow this with a query of the user's choosing. 这样,用户就可能能够用一个分号终止当前的查询,然后紧跟着加入用户所选择的查询。
Thus, a vasculitis is present. 在正下方是一个正常的肾小球。
Thus, a young democracy was nipped in the bud. 一个新生的民主政权就这样被扼杀在萌芽中。
Thus, after she signed the contract, the production company arranged for a dialect teacher to coach her, the same one who taught Zhang Ziyi for Memoirs of A Geisha. 因此,签完合同,制片公司就专门安排了一位方言老师对他进行指导,而这位老师也是章子怡在演《艺妓回忆录》时教她的那位老师。
Thus, after those cases have been transferred to procurator s for review and prosecution or after been indicted in courts, suspects usually deny their confession on the accused facts which they has made to investigators during investigation, and usually g 其中最突出的问题是侦查人员对犯罪嫌疑人的讯问完全是在秘密状态下进行,根本不准许律师在场,也没有其他任何监控制约措施,以致相当多的犯罪嫌疑人被移送检察机关审查起诉或向法院提起公诉后,往往推翻其在侦查阶段向侦查人员就指控的犯罪事实所作的供认,并且往往说原来的认罪供述是在侦查人员所实施的刑讯逼供的非法手段下做出的。
Thus, although economics is the main factor in child labor, it is not the only one. 因此,虽然经济状况是促成童工的主要因素,却非唯一因素。
Thus, among the words, phrases and sentences,the sentence will get longer if juxtapositions are inserted into the main and subordination component.sometimes the cases like component omitted,conversed and divided appear in a sentence, the more complexed se 所以,如果句中词、短语和句子间,主、次要成分间插入并列、主从成分便会使句子变长;有的句中还出现了成分的省略、倒装和分割等,这就构成了更为复杂的长句。

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