Sloan LFM students with an interest in Information Systems are encouraged to register for this course.
我们鼓励对信息技术有兴趣并参与斯隆商学院制造业领袖计划的学生注册本课程。 |
Sloan has Boozer and Deron Williams, both of whom were openly doubted by countless skeptics throughout last season, standing up to the ghosts of Stockton-to-Malone and challenging each other for Most Improved plaudits, even with Andrei Kirilenko still som
斯隆拥有布泽尔和德龙威廉姆斯,这两人上赛季被公开而广泛地质疑,现在他们正勇敢面对斯托克顿-马龙的鬼魅,并为了最大进步的赞誉而互相挑战,甚至和心情不佳的安德烈基里连科一起。 |
Slog away at your studies.
不断地努力学习。 |
Slope, width, site and content of instrument signal.
仪表信号的箭头、宽度、位置、内容。 |
Slope-bottom land transition zone was usually neglected in previous exploration but was favorite site of forming lithologic reservoir.
摘要坡洼过渡地区是已往勘探常被忽略的构造带,但却是岩性油藏形成的有利场所。 |
Slopes orientated differently receive direct solar radiation in different amounts.
朝向不同的山坡接收到的直接太阳辐射量是不同的。 |
Sloping Green Land: Sloping land is applied to show the original features of nature and becomes a natural green land.
景观坡地绿化屏障:世贸丽晶城采用堆土造坡的景观手法,将平面上的环境要素向竖向空间延伸,呈现出大自然的原貌,形成天然的绿化屏障。 |
Sloppy addressing: good for 10 years.
随便编,十年门牌。 |
Sloppy lower-case ones are becoming a rarity.
随随便便的小写字母越来越罕见。 |
Slosh: He sloshed the paint on without bothering to catch the drips.
他把油漆胡乱往上一甩,连滴下来的也懒得抹一抹。 |
Slot machines, the main revenue source for casinos, are illegal in Massachusetts.
老虎机是赌场里的主要收入来源,但在马萨诸塞州是非法的。 |