A sea leopard behind a curtain of plankton. Like all sea mammals, sea leopards are curious, says photographer Bill Curtsinger. But they can also be dangerous.
一只海豹躲在浮游生物的幕面。摄影师比尔·克钦格说,像其他海洋哺乳动物一样,海豹非常好奇,但同时也具有危险性。 |
A sea lion was spotted this week along a rural roadside in central California.
在加利福尼亚中心一条运河旁的路边上出现了一只海狮。 |
A sea side city of 100,000 people was provided with mega shopping arcade. All residents lived in skyscrapers.
10万人的海边城市,有大型商场等,所有居民都集中居住在摩天大楼中。 |
A sea, such as the Aegean, containing a large number of scattered islands.
多岛屿的海包含有大量分散岛屿的海,如爱琴海 |
A seafood lunch break at Muslim village built on stilts ensures you a pleasant experience.
你可以在回教村庄享受美味可口的海鲜午餐,回教村庄是用高跷的木桩修建在水面上,给你带来宜人的体验。 |
A seagull fluttered down with an injured wing.
一只海鸥拍打着翅膀飞落下来。 |
A seagull hit the right wing tip, leading edge flap sustained minor damage.
右翼尖与一只海鸥相撞,前缘襟翼受到轻微损伤。 |
A seagull skims the water.
海鸥掠过水面。 |
A sealed plastic or foil container used in packaging frozen or dehydrated food.
塑胶封袋用来装冰冻或蒸干食物的密封的塑料或箔制容器 |
A seaman went below to fetch the captain a cup of coffee.
一位水手下舱去为船长拿一杯咖啡。 |
A seamstress and a sewer fell down into a sewer line.
一位女裁缝和一位缝纫师掉进了下水沟。 |