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The first thing he spends money on is perfectly reasonable: a bright red 1970 Pontiac Firebird.

The first thing Cox bought with her Friends money was a brand new Porsche. 考克斯从《老友记》挣的第一笔钱被她用来买了一辆崭新的保时捷。
The first thing I noticed about the room was the smell. 我首先注意到的是这屋子里的气味。
The first thing I saw when I entered the art gallery was a notice which said: Do not touch the exhibits. Some of them are dangerous! 走进展厅首先看到的是一张告示,上面写着“切勿触摸展品,某些展品有危险!”
The first thing came into our sight when we arrived home was that Bird Fairy was holding a bundle wrapped in a purple mink coat, pacing about in the courtyard. 2回到家中,我们第一眼便看到鸟仙怀抱着一个紫貂皮大衣缠成的包裹,在院子里走来走去。
The first thing for us to do is to make a plan. 我们要做的第一件事是制订一个计划。
The first thing he spends money on is perfectly reasonable: a bright red 1970 Pontiac Firebird. 我看不是,他花钱的方式相当合理:给自己买了一辆70年产的大红色庞蒂克火鸟跑车。
The first thing is to make small changes in your life. 第一个事情是在你的生活中做点小的改变。
The first thing might well be to use it only where its durability is demanded, and draw from this last condition the rules for its stylistic treatment. 首先,大概是在最需要它的耐久性的地方使用它,最后才是它的风格问题。
The first thing on my mind was to get the whole thing under control as soon as possible. Other things were immaterial. 我首先想到的是要尽快控制整个局面。其它事情都不重要。
The first thing one noticed about him was the look of his large, wide-open eyes. 人们首先注意到的就是他双目圆睁的神情。
The first thing that dawned on me when I saw the Touch &Talk pen was how easy and fun it was to use and how it could be an excellent tool to help educators and parents make reading fun for kids. 在我见到点即说后我第一件明白过来的事情就是它使用简单有趣和怎样能让它变为教师和家长的得力工具使阅读有趣。

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