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The umpire gave the batsman out (leg before wicket).

The ultraviolet absorbance of the extraction liquid didn't relate to the sample weight or the extracted time. 化探样萃取液的紫外吸光度与萃取时间及称样量关系不大。
The ultraviolet ray lamp inside machine can realize sterilization. 机内装有紫外线灯,能对包装进行消毒灭菌。
The ultraweak biophoton emission(UBE) of different period grain in rice were measurated. 摘要本实验对水稻籽粒灌浆过程中不同时期籽粒进行了超弱发光测定。
The umbrella isn't big enough. 这把雨伞不够大。
The umbrella owner slowed his steps. Soapy did likewise, with a presentiment that luck would again run against him. The policeman looked at the two curiously. 伞的主人放慢了脚步。索丕也放慢脚步,预感到运气又要与他背道而驰。警察好奇地看着这两个人。
The umpire gave the batsman out (leg before wicket). 裁判裁定击球员(用腿截球违例)出局.
The umpire ousted the arguing player from the game. 裁判员将那位不服判决的运动员罚下场。
The umpire showed partiality for that team. 那个裁判偏向那个队。
The umpire's decision is unchangeable. 裁判的决定是无法改变的。
The un-recovered vehicles each year are valued at $80 million and Police and the Ministry of Justice believe they are quickly dismantled or rebirthed for sale. 未寻获的车辆每年估计价值8000万美元而警方和司法部相信这些车会迅速被拆解或者重组后出售。
The unabashed apostle of Reagan era conservatism and the first woman US ambassador to the Unite Nations died overnight at her home in Maryland. 她极力倡导里根时期的保守主义.,并且是美国驻联合国第一位女性大使。

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