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She asked a man next to her.

She arrived just as we were leaving, but whether this was by accident or by design I am not sure. 她刚好在我们正要离开时抵达,但我不确定这是出于偶然或是出于有计画。
She arrived late because her bicycle was out of condition. 她的自行车出了毛病,所以迟到了。
She arrives every day at five, (as) regular as clockwork. 她每天五点钟到, 极有规律.
She as served as facilitator, training leader, and chairperson for the Northeast Multi-district PETS, and served multiple terms as District Trainer. 她担任引导人、训练领导人与东北多地区社长当选人训练会议主委,并担纲多任的地区训练人。
She ascribed difficulties to overspending. 她把困难归因于费用超支太大。
She asked a man next to her. 她问了挨着她的一个人.
She asked for a raise several times but it was no go. 她屡次要求升迁,但都没成功。
She asked for a valuation of her house. 她要求对她的房舍作一估价。
She asked for an interview with the president. 她要求和总统面谈 。
She asked for permission several times but it was no go. 她屡次请求允许,但都没成功。
She asked for some jam on her bread as well. 她还要一些果酱涂在面包上。

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