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Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you.

Do not be moved by the man feeling sorry for you, because psychologically speaking, he who feels regretful subconsciously starts to repel you. 不要被男人对你的愧疚心感动。因为按心理深层因素分析,当他对你有愧疚感的时候,通常在潜意识里开始排斥你了。
Do not be panic-stricken, and calm down your moods. 请问以下两句翻译有错误吗?
Do not be satisfied with a guide other than one from the Throne of Grace itself. 不要满足于一个不是来自于上帝宝座的向导。
Do not be so cool shout out sweetie . 不要因为一时之快.
Do not be surprised if, one day, your own children fall in love with “Snow White” and “Cinderella”. 如果有一天你自己的孩子爱上了“白雪公主”和“灰姑娘”,不要感到惊讶。
Do not be surprised, brethren, if the world hates you. 约壹3:13弟兄们、世人若恨你们、不要以为希奇。
Do not be too confident, when honesty has a dear price to pay, it is a big temptation to all human being's souls. 当诚实需要付出昂贵的代价,这个选择是对所有人性的试探。
Do not be too demanding or oer-protectie. 不要过分要求或是过分的保护他们。
Do not be whirled about, but in every movement have respect to justice, and on the occasion of every impression maintain the faculty of comprehension or understanding. 不要无头绪地乱忙,每一行动都要服从正义,对产生的每一印象都保持理解和领悟。
Do not become dissimilarly yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership do righteousness and lawlessness have? Or what fellowship does light have with darkness? 14你们跟不信的,不要不配的同负一轭,因为义和不法有什么合伙?光对黑暗有什么交通?
Do not believe anything I tell you, but try it out. If it helps you, use it; if not, discard it and we shall look for another solution. 不要相信我告诉你的任何东西,尝试它,假如对你有帮助,使用它。如果没有帮助,抛弃它,我们寻找另一种解决办法。

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