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His face expressed his bepuzzlement.

His face clouded (over) when he heard the news. 他听到这一消息, 脸就沉了下来.
His face colored to a reddish hue. I didn't ask you what I did. What else did you do wrong? 他的脸变红了。“我不是问你我做了什么,你还做错了什么?”
His face dark with anger, Lincoln grasped Armstrong by the throat, lifted him clear of the ground, shock him as thought he were a rag and threw him so hard that he lay stunned. 林肯气得脸发黑,他掐住阿姆斯特朗的喉咙,径直把他从地上提起像对付一块破布一样打击他,然后把他用力扔了出去,使得阿姆斯特朗倒在那里直发愣。
His face darkened with some powerful emotion, which, nevertheless, he so instantaneously controlled by an effort of his will, that, save at a single moment, its expression might have passed for calmness. 他的脸色由于某种强有力的内心冲动而变得阴暗,不过他人刻用一种意志力控制住,使这种脸色稍纵即逝,换上了一副可以说是平静的表情。
His face dissolved into tears, and the game's greatest returner awaited one final serve. 他的脸上满是汗水,这个最好的回球手等待着最后一局。
His face expressed his bepuzzlement. 逼近画幅时,画上的美却消失了。
His face expressed that he disliked the extension of the work hour. 他的表情告诉我他不愿意延长工作时间。
His face fell at the bad news. 他听到坏消息时,脸色垂下了。
His face gleamed with pleasure. 他的脸上闪现出欢快的神色。
His face had a deadly paleness after the accident. 事故发生以后,他的脸死一般苍白。
His face had a frightening aspect. 他的脸色很吓人。

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