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To Wang's great dismay, a virulent antireform clique dismantled the system.

To Tony Blair, Africa is somewhere which needs healing or saving, and Sierra Leone gets a lot of British aid. 对托尼布莱尔而言,非洲是个需要医治或拯救的地方,从而塞阿里昂得到许多英国的援助。
To Train novitiates for ordination as Buddhist monks. 提供出家前的见习学员训练。
To Use: Apply this tonic on affected parts after cleaning your face. If mixed with “Ginseng Nutrition Milk” and then massage several minutes will be more effective. 使用方法:洗净脸后,取本品均匀涂抹于患处。如能用本品加入“人参营养乳”中做脸部按摩,效果更好。
To Use: Squeeze appropriate amount into palms and lather with water. Massage gently on your face and rinse with water. 使用方法:挤出适量于手掌心,加水揉出泡沫后,于脸部轻轻按摩,再以清水洗净。
To Use: Squeeze into palms and lather with water .Massage genty on your face and rinse with water. 使用方法:挤出适量于手掌心,加水揉出泡沫后,于脸部轻轻按摩,再以清水洗净。
To Wang's great dismay, a virulent antireform clique dismantled the system. 让王安石伤心的是,恶意的反对改革派废除了整个新法。
To What Extent Are Genetic Variation and Personal Health Linked? 基因和身体健康的关联程度如何?
To Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Regions, Urumqi have direct influence function on the whole autonomous region as the concrete level of consumption and structure of its urbanite in the provincial capital. 对新疆维吾尔自治区来说,乌鲁木齐作为首府其城市居民的具体消费水平和结构对整个自治区具有直接的影响作用。
To You I lift up my eyes, O You who are enthroned in the heavens! 诗123:1〔上行之诗。〕坐在天上的主阿、我向你举目。
To You I shall offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving, And call upon the name of the Lord. 诗116:17我要以感谢为祭献给你、又要求告耶和华的名。
To You, Lord, belongs righteousness, but to us, shamefacedness, as it is this day, that is, to the men of Judah and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and to all Israel, those who are near and those who are far off in all the lands to which You have driven t 7主阿,公义归于你,满面羞愧归于我们,正如今日一样,就是归于犹大人和耶路撒冷的居民、并以色列众人,或在近处,或在远处,被你赶到各地的人,因为他们犯了对你不忠信的罪。

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