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So, why the delay? Maybe our ancestors took a while to realize the value of the poop along their path!

So, who are the real Americans? 所以,谁是真正的美国人?
So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? 那么,圣瓦伦丁是谁以及他是如何被联系到这个古老的仪式上的?
So, why is it such a challenge? 为什么这是一个挑战呢?
So, why should I fill my gun with propane instead of green gas? 那么为什么我要用丙烷来替代绿气?
So, why should we bother document writers with respecting a fixed order? 因此,为什么我们要劳烦文档的作者说明一个固定的顺序呢?
So, why the delay? Maybe our ancestors took a while to realize the value of the poop along their path! 所以,为什么迁徙会推迟了那么多年呢?可能是我们的祖先在途中,花了很长的时间去认识粪便的价值吧。
So, with the flute, the crown of peacock's feathers makes the symbol complete. 因此,连同着长笛,孔雀羽毛的冠冕形成了一个符号象征。
So, with the private sector waiting on the sidelines, public funding becomes key. 所以,由于私人部门不参与使得公共投资变得很重要。
So, with this result in mind, did he feel it would have an adverse effect on the rest of our season, and in particular on Tuesday night's Champions League game? 那么对于这个结果,穆帅是否会认为这将对本赛季我们剩下的比赛产生负面影响呢?特别是周二晚上的冠军杯比赛呢?
So, without more ado , let me introduce tonight's guests. 好了,闲言少讲,我一介绍今晚的客人。
So, without more ado, let me introduce tonight's guests. 好了,闲言少讲,我一介绍今晚的客人。

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