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Even my tongue and my gums were brightly colored.

Even more usefully, he warns us to be alert for colleagues who appear to display these essential skills, but are in fact simply faking it. 更有用的是,他提醒我们注意那些看似拥有这些关键技能,但实际上只是装出来的同事。
Even most of the company's competitors concede that the shift in consumer electronics from analogue to digital technology plays to Dell's strengths. 就连大多数戴尔的竞争对手都不得不承认,电子消费产品从模拟技术到数字技术的转变与戴尔的优势相得益彰。
Even most of the objects found throughout the game have some animation to them, including the pulsing key used to unlock various doors in each level. 即使,的差不多一目标在整个比赛期间发现有一些动画给他们,包括搏动关键常常开的锁在每步内的各种各样门。
Even my oldest, who is my most academic son, did not quite have the class rank or the SATs. 即便是我的大儿子,也是最会学习的那个,也没有达到班级排名,或SAT。
Even my small sample fails to support Arroyo's thesis at all; in fact Mars/Uranus hard aspects are distinguished by their absence. 谢谢你,史帝芬,再一次地作为全部重要的“其他因素”的合格者(这里应该是在讽刺阿罗约)。
Even my tongue and my gums were brightly colored. 甚至我的舌和我的口香糖都被涂成了鲜艳的颜色。
Even nectar is poison if taken to excess. 美酒过量也会变成毒药。
Even normal interaction may involve faulty communication, but conflict seems to worsen the problem. 甚至正常的互动也会包含错误的交流,但是冲突似乎把问题搞得跟糟糕了。
Even not network licence, still have this warn if more than one user open same layout on same project. 就算不是网络版,只要有多过一个用户在相同项目内打开相同视图,就有这警告。
Even now Directorate Psychics and powerful drugs are keeping the creature pacified. 即使是现在,联邦部队的精神力和威力强大的药剂还在让这个生物活在沉睡之中。
Even now I can't explain my peculiar partiality towards this movie. 即使到了现在,我还是无法解释自己对它的特别偏爱。

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