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During the last few weeks of August, 1993 [Y13], Harry stayed in room 11, which has windows to let in the sunshine and a mirror on the wall which talks; Harry could hear the traffic from Charing Cross Road behind and the crowd in Diagon Alley below.

During the last 10 years, with the acquisition of much valuable intensive observations in a series of typhoon field experiments, the improvement of the weather monitoring network, the upgrade of atmospheric numerical models and the rapid development of co 近10年来,随著我国一系列颱风外场科学试验加密观测数据的获得、天气监测网的逐步完善、大气模式的改进以及电子计算机的飞速发展,颱风与中纬度系统的相互作用、颱风与地形下垫面相互作用、颱风中小尺度及其动力学等方面均得到深入研究。
During the last 20 years, enthusiasm for musicals ha developed in new places. 在最近的20年,醉心于音乐的人已找到有新的地方。
During the last decade, surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based optical biosensors are being used extensively for biomolecular interaction analysis, in addition, another emerging biosensing technology, quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) has also been introdu 若能在早期先导药物的研发进程中,预先以生物感测科技进行适切与深入的分析,不但可有效节省药物开发所需的时间与成本,更能有助于先导药物后续的最佳化。
During the last downturn in commodities prices, in the late 1990s, large mining companies slashed exploration budgets and hundreds of smaller explorers went bust. 90年代末上一次大宗商品价格低迷时期,大型矿业企业削减勘探预算,数百家小型勘探商破产。
During the last fair, it exhibited 700000-kw hydro-generator, 18000W model of large-size asynchronous motor, 300MW air-cooled turbo-generator model and other products. 上届工博会展示70万千瓦水轮机、大型异步电机18000瓦模型、300MW空冷气轮机模型等产品。
During the last few weeks of August, 1993 [Y13], Harry stayed in room 11, which has windows to let in the sunshine and a mirror on the wall which talks; Harry could hear the traffic from Charing Cross Road behind and the crowd in Diagon Alley below. 每天,阳光会穿过窗户照进房间,哈利会和墙上的镜子说话,屋后查令十字街上车来车往的声响,下面对角巷人潮的喧哗,都热热闹闹的穿透了进来。
During the last four years the mainland's macroeconomic policy has been basically Keynesian's demand management to due to short-term aggregate demand. 摘要一九九八年至今的四年中,大陆宏观经济政策的操作,基本上属于凯恩斯的需求管理,侧重于短期内应付总需求不足。
During the last half minute of the race, Dick snot out in front of the other runner. 在赛跑的最后半分钟,迪克突然冲过去跑到了其他运动员的前面。
During the last month of pregnancy the fetal weight will triple. 母猪妊娠的最后一个月,胎儿体重增长3倍。
During the last month of the contract, after reasonable prior written notice to PARTY B, PARTY A or his nominee shall be allowed to show the said premises to the potential clients. 9租赁合同期满的前一个月内,经合理事先书面通知,乙方应允许甲方或其授权人引领潜在客人参观在出租房屋。
During the last thirty years, it has been not only providing high quality products for clients but also providing all-round technology service, therefore it has won it's renown in the industrially advanced countries, North America, Japan, Australia and So 公司在三十余年的历史中不仅为客户提供了世界一流品质的产品,而且提供了完善的技术服务,因此在欧洲、北美、日本、澳洲、南非等工业发达国家获得了良好的声誉。

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