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The bulkhead surfaces and deckheads in sleeping rooms and mess rooms should be capable of being easily kept clean and light in colour with a durable, non-toxic finish.

The bulk of the semester is devoted to the physics and engineering of various engine classes, including electrothermal, electrostatic and electro-magnetic. 本学期大致上将重点放置于不同种类火箭引擎的物理学以及工程学上,而这些火箭引擎包含电热引擎、静电引擎以及电磁引擎。
The bulk of the volcano is basaltic, but the slopes are dotted with cones and lava flows consisting of glassy, silica-rich lavas called dacites. 此火山的主体是玄武岩,但是山坡却点缀著由石英安山岩(一种玻璃质、富含矽的熔岩)形成的熔岩锥和熔岩流。
The bulk of the work had been done by a group of men of seemingly high virtue, who became know in history as “the Fathers of Confederation”. 大部分工作是由一些那时德高望重的人完成的,他们成为历史上有名的“联邦国父”。
The bulk of the work has been done. 工作大部分已经完成。
The bulk of those in treatment were in rich countries. 接受治疗的主要是发达国家的病人。
The bulkhead surfaces and deckheads in sleeping rooms and mess rooms should be capable of being easily kept clean and light in colour with a durable, non-toxic finish. 卧室和餐厅的舱壁和天花板应能够易于保持清洁并应使用耐久、无毒的浅色涂料装饰。
The bulkhead surfaces and deckheads should be of material with a surface easily kept clean. No form of construction likely to harbour vermin should be used. 舱壁表面和舱室天花板的材料应为表面易于保持清洁的材料。不得使用容易隐藏害虫的构造方式。
The bulky cokes were cracked into torbanites with asked size in Industries such as metallurgy, chemical engineering, and csh4ntn carbide. 摘要冶金、化工、电石生产企业,因生产工艺要求需要将大块的焦炭破碎成一定粒度的块焦,破碎过程要产生20-25%的焦粉。
The bulky figure of Jones makes him difficult to move. 琼斯的庞大身躯使得他难以移动。
The bull and the goat for the sin offerings, whose blood was brought into the Most Holy Place to make atonement, must be taken outside the camp; their hides, flesh and offal are to be burned up. 27作赎罪祭的公牛和公山羊的血既带入圣所赎罪,这牛羊就要搬到营外,将皮,肉,粪用火焚烧。
The bull bellowed angrily. 公牛怒吼起来.

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