Meaning: At the bottom he slid unsteadily and fell directly on a strong and fat gentleman who was going to climb up the stairs.
在楼梯尽头,他从扶手上跌下来,与一个正要上楼梯的矮胖的绅士撞了个满怀。 |
Meaning: I do not think we could have stopped the horse if one of the men had no been calm and wise enough to put a handkerchief over his nose and to light a bit of brown paper to counteract the odour of the cheeses.
在我看来,若不是他们其中一人能够临危不乱,用手帕捂住它的鼻子,有燃起草纸抵销奶酪的气味,他们根本止不住它。 |
Meaning: In the course of 40 years, he had been producing books at the frequency of one book every six months without stop.
四十多年来,在亚眠市,他坐在像红砖塔楼的家中斗室里,年复一年,以六个月写一本书的速度,共写出一百多部著作。 |
Meaning: Pushed by Dumas, Jules determined to write something about geography as Dumas had written novels in the field of history.
儒勒在这位长老的敦促下,下定决心向大仲马选定历史题材写小说一样,他要写地理题材的小说。 |
Meaning: Simon Lake,… speaks highly of Verne for it was Berne who had drawn him a clear picture on what submarine would be like in the novel, which makes his invention possible.
塞门·莱克,这个现代潜艇的奠基人,对凡尔纳褒奖有加,认为他的发明是由于凡尔纳差不多给他画了一张设计图。 |
Meaning: … while they still hold tightly the outdated concepts of the nation-state, but they are indifferent to what the present complicated world needs.
然而人们却置当今世界复杂的要求而不顾,使主权国家的观念仍置根于陈腐的观念之中。 |
Meaning:Since there is too much odour about cheese, everything else in the hamper seems to smell and taste like it.
所有的东西都被染上了奶酪的味道.奶酪的味道实在是太大了。 |
Meaningful MYR is very dependent on a multidisciplinary approach which requires strong leadership, dedication, knowledge, flexibility and willingness to cooperate.
高产研究应依赖于多学科的配合,这需要强有力的领导、奉献精神、知识、灵活性与合作态度。 |
Meaningful letters or characters that constitute readable matter.
文字记载可以阅读材料的有意义的字母或符号 |
Meaningless or deceptive language; humbug.
废话,蠢话无意义或虚伪的话;胡说 |
Means are to be provided to enable deck cargoes to be adequately secured and protected in the cargo containment areas.
例2:甲板货物装载区应设有保护和固定甲板货物的围护设施。 |