This kind of illness has a transmissibility.
这种病有遗传性。 |
This kind of illness has heritage.
这种病有遗传性。 |
This kind of incidents happened in the US too. Some parents left their kids behind and the kids paid the ultimate price. It has nothing to do with green card.
看到这个,更坚定了我不回国的念头。就算绿卡的等待时间再长,我也要为我将来的宝宝留下来。 |
This kind of infiltration is the FOX unit\'s specialty.
这种渗透任务可是狐狸小队的拿手好戏。 |
This kind of information will help you make a better decision.
这样的一些信息呀可以帮助你作出更好的抉择。 |
This kind of instant noodle is preservative-free.
这种方便面不含防腐剂。 |
This kind of instrument, simple in structure, convenient in use, firm and reliable, goodish in accuracy, and wide in measuring range, is used to measure pressures ranging from several hundreds Pas up to thousand Pas.
这类仪表结构简单、牢固可靠、使用方便、价格低廉、精度尚好和测量范围宽,可以用来测量几百帕到上千范围内的压力。 |
This kind of juice has added vitamins.
这种果汁添加了各种维他命。 |
This kind of life, I'll give you a 20 year life span.
别的什么都不用做,只管尽情享受。我给你20年的生命。” |
This kind of limit function prominently displays in: Sun Yat-sen persisted the National Revolution should lead by Kuomintang, gives up in no way to Kuomintang's leadership; Kuomintang is maintaining throughout to CCP the guard point of view, does not allo
这种限制作用突出表现在:孙中山坚持国民革命应由国民党领导,决不放弃对国民党的领导权;国民党始终保持着对共产党人的防范心态,不允许共产党在国民党内坐大;国民党组织力的加强,为推动国民革命所必须,却又强化着对中共活动的约束;共产党的发展却催生着统一战线走向瓦解乃至最终破裂。 |
This kind of love is blind to race, color and creed and leads to a pair of dark brown eyes seeking a pair of very blue eyes and pledging a love that will last through time.
这种爱与种族、肤色、信仰无关,也正是这种爱,让那双深褐色的眼睛和那双深蓝色眼睛相遇,并发誓永远彼此关爱。 |