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Mew: Ahaha! Not too shabby, little firefly!

Mets SA, Chegini N, Masterson BJ. In vivo and in vitro degradation of monofilaluent absorbable sutures, PDS and Maxon. Biomaterials, 1990, 11:41-45. 王静,尚云,黄秀娟.普迪斯缝线在妇科腹腔镜手术中的应用.实用医技杂志,2003,10:1036.
Metso Paper Service's offer extends over the roll services, spare parts services and mill site services. 美卓造纸机械公司技术服务中心的业务范围涵盖辊子服务,备品备件及现场服务。
Metso Paper specializes in pulp and paper industry processes, machinery, equipment and related know-how and aftermarket services. 美卓造纸机械公司致力于不断提供创新的工艺服务及解决方案,旨在帮助其在全球的客户保持、提高竞争力。
Metternich's concert defended imperial regimes from liberals; the new music's motif would be rule by the people, for the people. 梅特涅的同盟旨在为各帝国政权防范自由主义;而新同盟的宗旨是为了民治与民享。
Meulenkamp F. Application of neural networks for the prediction of the unconfined compressive strength from Equotip hardness[J]. Inter. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining science, 1999 ,36(1) 29-39. 梁艳春.人工神经网络应用于地下洞室围岩参数识别研究[J].模式识别与人工智能,1996,9(1):71-77.
Mew: Ahaha! Not too shabby, little firefly! 啊哈哈!小萤火虫,不要太寒酸了。
Mew: And without summoner, you cannot go home. 而且,没有召唤者,你无法回家。
Mew: You make good couple! 你们真的天生一对!
Mexican Americans had the lowest percentage of persons eer haing sex (88.2%), compared to non-Hispanic blacks (95.7%) and non-Hispanic whites (97.2%). 在有过性行为的人中,墨西哥籍美国人所占比例最低,为88.2%,非西班牙籍黑人为95.7%,非西班牙籍白人为97.2%。
Mexican Dancer, anthropologist, social activist, concerned about ecology, aborigine cultural preservation, takes part in the Zapatista rebelliation. 墨西哥舞蹈家.人类学家.社会运动者,关心环境保护,原住民文化保存,参与查巴达解放运动。
Mexican Proverb: The house does not rested on the ground, but upon a woman. 墨西哥谚语:家不是建立在土地上,而是建立在女性上。

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