It was over all too soon!
此事的确了结得很快! |
It was over between the two. They had split three days earlier. Vanessa had taken off the engagement ring and given it back.
他们之间已经结束了。三天前他们便分了手,而且瓦妮莎把订婚戒指还给了他。 |
It was over his shoulder, and indistinctly, that he first thought he saw a face; a little evil wedge-shaped face, looking out at him from a hole.
鬼睑出现在他肩后,他一开始模模糊糊觉得看到了一张面孔:一张歹毒的楔形小脸,从一个洞口向他窥望。 |
It was painful for him to renounce his son.
宣布与儿子脱离关系对他来说是很痛苦的。 |
It was painful of course but I bore it.
这当然很痛苦,但我忍受住了。 |
It was painful to admit that I was wrong.
要我承认错了,是很费力的。 |
It was painful to think of it.
想起来就叫人伤心。 |
It was painful,but as I watched Kara's bone marrow drip into my body,I felt a healing energy.
看着卡洛的骨髓一滴一滴地注入我的身体,一种重生的力量在我体内升腾。 |
It was painted by Picasso in 1937, to commemorate a town bombed by German planes.
1937年,为了纪念被德国飞机轰炸的一个名叫格尔尼卡的小镇,毕加索创作了这幅油画。 |
It was parked in my driveway in front of my house.
车子原来停在我家前面的车道上。 |
It was part of God's plan that Jesus, His sinless son, should give his life to save sinners.
神无罪的儿子耶稣献出自己的生命拯救罪人是神的部分计划。 |