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Being able to sell their loans offers mortgage lenders a way to raise money to make new loans.

Being able to converse freely in English in both work and social settings is a vital skill to attain. 开设此课程的主要目标是帮助学员在工作和日常生活中自如的运用用英文进行交流。
Being able to get added research from your religious buildings definitely increases the effectiveness of religious-minded builders. 他可以使你的宗教建筑可以进行额外的研究来显著地增加有宗教信仰的建筑师的效能。
Being able to keep an email client and a web browser open on the notebook screen while working in a spreadsheet on the big screen is really great. 当我在一个大屏幕上打开一张空白表格的时候,同时还可以在笔记本电脑的屏幕上开着邮件和浏览器等界面,这真是棒极了。
Being able to launch replacement satellites quickly has been considered, but producing and stockpiling enough spare payloads and boosters — and then getting the payload activated quickly enough once it arrives in space — has proven to be an operational an 人们也考虑过快速发射备份卫星,但生产足够的备件,然后立刻发射到太空并使用—这绝对是工程和操作上的噩梦。
Being able to repair and troubleshoot unqualified parts . 针对有问题的零件能够提出解决办法并修复。
Being able to sell their loans offers mortgage lenders a way to raise money to make new loans. 具有卖出抵押出借方贷款的能力可以让他们筹集资金去进行新贷款的借贷。
Being able to use proven approaches the developers will be able to ensure that the end product meets the intended purpose and also it can be developed within an agreed time and budget. 已经被验证的方法使开发商能确保终端产品符合计划目的,并且能够在协议的时间和预算内建立。
Being able to work independent and under stressful situation. 能独立完成工作并承受压力。
Being above thirty years old, they still has no child. 他们已年过三十,但还没有孩子。
Being abroad, every day they read nespaper to keep up with the internal situation. 在国外,他们每天读报来跟上国内的形势.
Being abroad, he often dreamed of his hometown-that stream, the house of his family and vegetable field, etc. 在国外时,他常常梦见他的家乡----那条小河、他家的房子、菜地等.

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