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One of the surviving Suzaku Seishi. He continues to travel as a Buddhist monk.

One of the strongest arguments for aircraft emissions being dealt with by a trading system is practical: a system already exists. 在那些支持通过一种交易方案来处理飞机排放物且最具有说服力的论据中,有一项来自现实经验:一个现有的方案。
One of the students get in touch with a careers adviser. 一个学生与职业咨询服务人员取得了联系。
One of the students is from American. 其中有一个学生是美国人。
One of the stuntmen dislocated a shoulder in the scene where the Hobbits tumble down off the road to escape one of the Ringwraiths. 影片拍摄的第一天,拍摄的内容是四个哈比人(弗罗多、山姆、皮聘和梅里)躲避戒灵的追击,他们从大道上滑到野地里。
One of the surprise things of this world is the respect a worthless man have for himself. 这世上令人惊奇的事情之一,是毫无价值的人之自尊的心情。
One of the surviving Suzaku Seishi. He continues to travel as a Buddhist monk. 朱雀七星士中的幸存者之一,继续以游方僧人的身份旅行。
One of the survivors needed plastic surgery. 一名幸存者需要接受整形手术。
One of the symbols of the city, which perches on the top of the cathedral, is a sparrow with a twig in its mouth, intent on building its nest. 这个城市的标志之一栖息在教堂顶部,那是一只叼着树枝的麻雀塑像,它正准备筑巢。
One of the tallest pyramids in the world is a beautiful, glass, black pyramid in Las Vegas, Nevada. 世界上最高的金字塔是一座位于内华达州拉斯维加斯城的、美观大方、玻璃制成的黑色金字塔。
One of the tasks an advanced communications system must perform is the acquisition of a base station transmitter by the receiver in a customer device transceiver when the customer device is powered on and at various other times, for example to support han 高级通信系统必须执行的任务之一是在客户设备开机时以及在各种其它时刻诸如支持在基站之间传递客户设备时由客户设备收发器中的接收器获取基站发射机(所发出的信号)。
One of the ten Arabic number symbols, 0 through9. 数字十个阿拉伯数字符号从0到9中的任意一个

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