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We found this accent difficult to imitate.

We found the real treasures of life through Amway - health, beauty, friendship, personal growth and wealth. There's no other business where you can find all these attributes together. 认识安利就如找到人生的大宝藏–健康、美丽、良师益友、个人成长、财富等等,都可以一一在这里找到。
We found the shipwrecked sailors on a raft. 我们在一个木筏子上找到了失事船只的船员。
We found the stairway that leads to the bottom of the gorge. 我们找到梯级通往谷底,我们决定不往下走那365级的之字型(路)梯。
We found the two of them deep in conversation at the cafe. 我们发现他们在咖啡馆里交谈得很投入。
We found them at table. 我们找到他的时候,他正在用餐。
We found this accent difficult to imitate. 我们发现这种口音很难模仿。
We found this phenomenon almost serendipitously during three-dimensional computer simulations. 我们是在极偶然的情况下,从三维电脑模拟中发现这个现象的。
We found your L/C short-opened. 我们发现你方信用证金额少开了。
We found: (1) Male family members do have better digital opportunity than female family members. (2) Female siblings suffer from the computer technology phobia and male siblings tend to addict to web games. 研究发现:受访家庭女性成员在家中的数位机会明显较男性成员不足;姊妹们普遍有计算机恐惧症,兄弟们则普遍有网络游戏成瘾现象;因缺乏了解,兄弟姊妹之间对彼此的负面计算机态度多所揶揄或指责。
We freeze some moments in time. Every culture has its frozen moments, events so important and personal that they transcend the normal flow of news. 我们总是及时地注视并记录着某些时刻。任何一个社会都有它需要被注视并记录的时刻,这些大小事件汹涌而来,冲击着传统的新闻传播渠道,已经超过了它的承载能力。
We froze, standing still in the small clearing under the moonlight. 我们僵住了,直直地站立在月光下一块林间小空地。

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