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Money and beauty do not always conduce to happiness.

Money Laundering Control:A Guide for Registered Accountants and Auditors,South Africa Public Accountants‘ and Auditors' Board,June 2003. 支付交易与反洗钱,梁英武,中国金融出版社,2003年6月第一版。
Money Market A market for short-term securities such as bank bills, commercial paper, etc. usually having a maturity of le than 1 year. 货币市场短期有价证券市场,如银行汇票、商业票据等,通常票据到期时间小于1年。
Money Market A market for short-term securities such as bank bills, commercial paper, etc. usually having a maturity of less than 1 year. 货币市场短期有价证券市场,如银行汇票、商业票据等,通常票据到期时间小于1年。
Money Withdrawal: You agree to withdraw funds into your own bank account. 取款:用户同意将取出的款项放入自己的银行账号。
Money also becomes meaningless to a large degree. 金钱也很大程度上变得没有意义了。
Money and beauty do not always conduce to happiness. 金钱与美丽未必一定会给人带来幸福。
Money and power has a price—and it could be Mitch's life. 金钱与权力似乎需要很高的代价,米奇能够安然获得他想要的名利与地位吗?
Money as an absolute may not make you a happier person but making more money than others in your age group does, according to a sociological study done in 2005 by researchers at Pennsylvania State University. 根据宾夕法尼亚州州立大学的2005年一项社会学调查表示,金钱,作为一种纯粹事物的时候并不会让你更加地快乐,但要是在同龄人中,挣钱比别人更多的话却能。
Money as the external, universal medium and faculty (not springing from man as man or from human society as society) for turning an image into reality and reality into a mere image, transforms the real essential powers of man and nature into what are mere 货币是一种外在的、并非作为人的人和作为社会的人类社会产生的、能够把观念变成现实而把现实变成纯观念的普遍手段和能力,它把现实的、人的和自然的本质力量变成纯抽象的观念,并因而变成不完善性和充满痛苦的幻想;另一方面,同样地把现实的不完善性和幻想,个人的实际上无力的、只在个人想象中存在的本质力量,变成现实的本质力量和能力。
Money becomes a great evil when it is used wrongly. 如果钱财被误用,就会酿成极恶。
Money beget money. 人挣钱难,钱赚钱易。

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