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Bayern Munich striker Claudio Pizarro wants a move to Italy.

Bayern Munich President Franz Beckenbauer has voiced his belief that Ottmar Hitzfeld will stay on as trainer beyond this season. 拜仁慕尼黑主席贝肯鲍尔表示,他相信希斯菲尔德将会在下赛季继续留任。
Bayern Munich chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has admitted that wantaway star Michael Ballack will almost certainly join Chelsea after Inter Milan ruled themselves out of the running. 拜仁慕尼黑俱乐部主席鲁梅尼格承认队内中场大将巴拉克在国米退出追求者的行列之后几乎铁定加盟切尔西。
Bayern Munich have joined the race for Fiorentina striker Luca Toni. 拜仁慕尼黑已经加入到对佛罗伦萨前锋卢卡.托尼的兴趣行列中.
Bayern Munich have revealed that they would be willing to accept a bid for Owen Hargreaves in January if they can find a ready-made replacement. 拜仁幕尼黑透露说他们将接受对于哈格里夫斯冬季转会的报价,前提是他们找到合适的替代者。
Bayern Munich is without doubt the premier club in German soccer, and one of the most powerful in the world. 拜仁慕尼黑无疑是德国足球界的顶级俱乐部,也是世界上最强的俱乐部之一。
Bayern Munich striker Claudio Pizarro wants a move to Italy. 拜仁慕尼黑前锋皮萨罗希望转会意大利。
Bayern Munich striker Claudio Pizarro wants to follow teammate Hasan Salihamidzic to Juventus. 拜仁慕尼黑前锋皮萨罗希望随着队友萨利哈米季奇加盟尤文图斯.
Bayern, however, appear loathe to sell the versatile midfielder, who was voted England's best player at the World Cup. 但是,对于这位被评为世界杯上英格兰最佳球员的中场多面手,拜仁似乎并不乐意将其出售。
Bayes was one of two main influences on the early development of probability theory and statistics. 贝伊斯曾是对概率论与统计的早期发展有重大影响的两位人物之一。
Bayes's allows for the accumulation of experience, and its incorporation into a statistical model in the form of prior assumptions that can vary with circumstances. 贝伊斯提倡经验积累,以及通过预先猜测(能与环境相区别的)来将这些经验合为一个统计模型。
Bayes++ is a library of C++ classes that implement numerical algorithms for Bayesian Filtering. 是一个C++库,实现了贝叶斯过滤的数字算法。

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