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The Reward/Punishment Stage: What's in It for Me?

The Rev.Lawrence Lucas is way out of line. His blatantly anti-Semitic statements Monday were not the stuff of tempered judgment. Or of moral leadership. Or of human sensitivity. 卢卡斯牧师太过离谱。他星期一大言不惭地发表反对犹太人的谈话,不免偏激。既非道德楷模,也不顾他人感受。
The Revealer [/COLOR] is an eraser-like device which makes invisible ink appear. 是一种类似于橡皮的工具,它可以使隐形墨水显形。
The Reverend Anthony Carr, of East Peckham, walked into the station in Tonbridge, asked to report a crime and then started smoking. 来自东派肯村的牧师卡尔走进汤布里奇镇警局,表示他要通报一项罪行,然后就开始抽菸。
The Reverend Mother always says, When The Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window. 大修女一定会说,“主关上了一扇门,又打开了一扇窗。”
The Revolutionary Guards says it has begun an investigation into the cause of the crash. 革命卫队的人员说,他们已经开始调查事故的原因。
The Reward/Punishment Stage: What's in It for Me? 奖惩阶段:这对我有什麽利益或害处?
The Rhesus macaques will be shifted from New Delhi to the dense jungles of Madhya Pradesh, and that state's government will receive 2.5 million rupees from the federal government to cover the cost of their rehabilitation, the Hindu reported. 这些恒河猕猴将从新德里迁移至中央邦的茂密丛林里,该邦政府将获得联邦政府250万卢比,作为安置牠们的费用,印度教徒报报导。
The Rhine River is one of the most important waterways in Germany and is linked by canals to other major rivers in Western Europe. 莱茵河是德国最重要的水路和运河,与其它西欧主要河流.德国许多制造业以及工业城市都位于莱茵河。
The Rhine River, at the northeast corner of France forms the Franco-German boundary. 在法国东北角,奔涌的莱茵河形成了法国与德国天然的楚河汉界。
The Rhine has fostered many great musicians and thinkers.In that case,we can say that the Rhine is a respected and mysterious river. 莱茵河数百年来为德国陶养了许多知名的思想家与音乐家,真是一条令人尊敬、不可思议的河。
The Rhine is navigable from Strasbourg to the sea. 莱茵河从斯特拉斯堡入海这一段可以通航.

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