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Anton: No worries. Well soon knock your CV into shape.

Antivirus has its role and, vital as it is, it cannot close the vulnerabilities that would prevent an attack. 反病毒软件是与其自身的规则密不可分的,而且面对黑客攻击,基本没有什么反抗能力。
Antiwar demonstrations, black civil rights protests, women's rights activities, and rebellion by young people against traditional authority characterized the 1960s. 反战示威运动、黑人民权运动、妇女权益保护运动和青年人反对传统势力等一系列运动是美国60年代的特点。
Anton : Why's that? Has he won the lottery? 安东:为什么?他中了乐透吗?
Anton, aged 21, kissed her gently on the cheek and they strolled off arm in arm. 21岁的安顿轻吻了一下卡丽娜的脸颊,两人手挽着手在大街上漫步。
Anton: How is Portugal making Euro 2004 different to other big football tournaments? What I mean is how have the Portuguese give it a Portuguese flavour, what has been done differently? 与其它大型锦标赛相比,葡萄牙举办的2004年欧锦赛有什么不同之处?我的意思是,葡萄牙人是如何使其具有葡萄牙特色的,有什么特殊的举措吗?
Anton: No worries. Well soon knock your CV into shape. 别担心,我们马上就能让你的简历初具雏形。
Anton: What do you think you can bring to this job? 你觉得你对于这份工作有什么优势?
Anton: Why's that? Has he won the lottery? 安东:为甚麽?他中了彩票?
Antonia, a tribal elder in Ecuador, on fight by indigenous Indians to fend off international energy companies that are moving into Amazon basin to tap some of last untouched oil and natural gas reserves. 厄瓜多尔某部落长者安东尼奥和土著印第安人一起反对一些国际能源公司进入亚马逊盆地开发最后的石油和天然气资源。
Antonia: This is no time for Schopenhauer. This is important. 没有时间留给叔本华了。这很重要。
Antoninus himself was born at an estate at Lanuvium on the thirteenth day before the Kalends of October in the twelfth consulship of Domitian and first of Cornelius Dolabella. 安东尼生于9月19日,那年图密善第十二次,克勒留斯·图拉伯那首次任执政官。

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