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Proud alpine peaks.

Proton has built factories capable of churning out[5] 1m cars a year and has launched a range of models. 它是时任马来西亚总理的马哈蒂尔·默哈曼德战略部署(即到2020年将马来西亚建设成为一个工业化国家)的一个重要组成部分。
Proton's market share in Malaysia has fallen steadily in the past few years and is now just 31%. 宝腾在马来西亚的市场份额在过去的几年稳步下滑,至今已仅占31%。
Protons are capable of absorbing energy if exposed to electromagnetic energy at the frequency of oscillation. 如用与质子振动频率相同的电磁波激发它时,质子就能够吸收能量。
Prototype observation and model experiment indicate that flows in two channels of the discharge passage of an axial-flow pump and a guide vane mixed-flow pump are unequal to each other, there is flow deviation. 摘要原型观测和模型试验都表明,轴流泵和导叶式混流泵双孔出水流道两孔流量不等,存在偏流。
Protozoa could be used to improve the effluent quality, evaluate and assess the operating and function of the wastewater treatment plant. 原生动物能用来改善水质、评价和指示污水厂的运行和处理效果。
Proud alpine peaks. 壮丽的山峰
Proud beasts do not set foot on it, and no lion prowls there. 8狂傲的野兽未曾行过.猛烈的狮子也未曾经过。
Proud owners of silicon implants scoff at the notion that beauty is only skin-deep. 认为美丽是肤浅的看法被自豪的硅胶移植者(隆胸??)所嘲笑。
Proud patriarch Tadahiko (Takizawa) can barely keep his unruly offspring in check, and tries every last trick to keep the house where he has spent the happiest years of his life. 吉村亲历这样的一个舞会,他用所见所感,写出一个个玲珑浮凸的人物:恋栈风光的父亲,目空一切的儿子,不肯放下身段的大女儿...道尽大时代的种种细碎。
Proud, Haughty, Scorner are the names Of him who works in the arrogance of pride. 24行事骄傲而狂妄的,他的名叫傲慢、高傲、亵慢。
Proud, I'm sure,’ said the Otter, and the two animals were friends forthwith. “这次野餐是临时动议的,”河鼠解释说,“来,介绍一下,这位是我的朋友鼹鼠。”

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