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Shareholders' equity increased from RMBYuan 1.131 billion in 1997 to RMBYuan 2.966 billion in 2005, and the net profit accumulated up to the 2005 reached RMBYuan 2.193 billion in 2005.

Shareholders of the parent company would normally receive a proportionate number of shares in the new entity. 母公司的股东一般会分到新公司一定比例的股份。
Shareholders of this company own large possession, with businesses in various fields, extending from finance, investment and trade, to name a few. 公司股东实力雄厚,业务范围涉及广泛,延伸至金融、投资及贸易等领域。
Shareholders pressed Jobs about what determines his compensation. 股东们就乔布斯本人如何对此进行赔付事宜施压。
Shareholders shall sign or impress their chops on the articles of association. 股东应当在公司章程上签名、盖章。
Shareholders sued not only the company but the vendors too, claiming that they participated in the fraud, even though they may not have been aware of the misreporting. 股东们不仅起诉了该公司同时卖主公司也未幸免于难,并且他们声称即使这两方未意识到谎报情况的发生,但(从某种意义上来说)参与了诈骗行为。
Shareholders' equity increased from RMBYuan 1.131 billion in 1997 to RMBYuan 2.966 billion in 2005, and the net profit accumulated up to the 2005 reached RMBYuan 2.193 billion in 2005. 近两年来,公司的内贸经营规模大幅度增长,超过了进口规模,使公司的经营结构更趋合理。
Shareholders' equity normally excludes intangible assets such as goodwill and is calculated by deducting total liabilities and intangibles from total assets. 股东的股权通常不包括无形资产(如公司信誉),计算股东权益时要在总资产中减去总负债和无形资产部分。
Shareholders' liability is limited to the capital they have paid-in. 股东的责任和他们入股的资金相关。
Shareholders' rights to dividends has been setup as one kind of rights of shareholders, but the vagueness of regulations and the irregular practice, and the deficiency of relevant theoretical study, have seriously inflected the realization of shareholders 摘要公司股东股利分配请求权虽然作为股东的一项权利确立下来,但立法的粗糙与实务操作的不规范,以及与之相配套的理论研究的空缺等,严重影响了股东的这种物质性权利的实现。
Shareholder:The owner of a share of stock in a company. 股东:持有一定数量公司股份的人。
Shares are selling at a premium. 股票按超出票面价值出售。

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