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And if that is the sort of universe in which you believe you live, then it is a dire and foreboding universe, indeed.

And his master praised the unrighteous manager because he had acted shrewdly; for the sons of this age are more shrewd in relation to their own kind than the sons of light. 路16:8主人就夸奖这不义的管家作事聪明.因为今世之子、在世事之上、较比光明之子、更加聪明。
And hopefully this is the case this time. 希望这个时候现在要到了。
And how are you going?I put in. 那你怎么样?我打岔道。
And how do you get Experience? “你如何取得经验?”
And if someone had told me of a saint in Arles or Lourdes who saw visions, I would have believed it. “如果有人告诉我阿尔勒或卢尔德的某个圣教徒看到了幻像,我会相信的。
And if that is the sort of universe in which you believe you live, then it is a dire and foreboding universe, indeed. “如果你相信你所居住的是这样一种宇宙,那么它的确是一个悲惨和宿命的宇宙。
And if we back away, if we give up on it, if we show any signs of retreat at all, then the enemy we face worldwide will be strengthened. “如果我们退出,如果我们放弃,如果我们表现出任何撤退的迹象,那么我们所面临的敌人将会强大起来。
And in that day I will set about to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. 亚12:9那日、我必定意灭绝来攻击耶路撒冷各国的民。
And in that mirror every day, I got better and better and better. And finally, I came completely out of it. “就在那面镜子里面,我一点一点在好起来。最后,我终于完全走出来了。”
And in the greatness of Your excellence You overthrow those who rise up against You; You send forth Your burning anger, and it consumes them as chaff. 出15:7你大发威严、推翻那些起来攻击你的、你发出烈怒如火、烧灭他们像烧碎秸一样。
And is it true that for three years afterwards you wandered about the streets of Petersburg like a tramp, begging for coppers and spending your nights in billiard-rooms? “在以后的三年中,您在彼得堡流落街头,像流浪汉一样,要求别人施舍半个戈比,并且在台球桌子底下过夜,是真的吗?”

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