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The weak can be terrible because they try furiously to appear strong.

The ways to mobilize students' learning positivities in credit system mainly are to set up the inspiring mechanism and strictly carry out the wash-out mechanism, to guide students to build up the correct philosophy and modern idea about talents, direct st 摘要学分制模式下调动学生学习积极性的方法有:建立学习激励机制,严格执行淘汰机制;引导学生树立正确的人生观,引导学生确立现代“人才”观,引导学生克服狭隘实用观等三个方面的工作。
The ways to spend rainny day?are really so?different. ?The simulator is found out and my NB are expropriated. Then the bar become their pleasur ground. 大家打发下雨时光的方法果然是不同的。模拟器被翻出,我的NB被征用,然后吧台成了游乐场。
The wayward driver, still with no flowers, was on his way back to Sweden when police pulled him over for driving recklessly on the motorway. 这位还没买到花的任性的司机,在开回瑞典的路上因胡乱在高速公路上驾驶被警察截停。
The wayward older twin brother of Jacob. 他是雅各的双胞胎儿子中的老大.
The weaether is warming when spring comes. 当春天到来时,天气变得暖和起来。
The weak can be terrible because they try furiously to appear strong. 弱小者也会令人畏惧,因为他们迫切希望表现得强悍。
The weak signal in laser clutter background can be detected by means of the prediction error. 利用预测误差检测到激光杂波中的有用弱信号。
The weak speaker made a speech on the bleak peak. 虚弱的讲话者在荒凉的山峰上发表了演说。
The weak wanton Cupid / Shall from your neck unloose his amorous fold (Shakespeare). 脆弱而放纵的丘比特/会以你的脖颈松开他多情的拥抱(莎士比亚)。
The weak who know how to use their weakness are strong. That is the secret of women and of underdeveloped countries. 知道如何使用自己弱点的弱者应是强人。那是女人与未开发国家的密秘。
The weak yen continued to exert downward pre ure on regional currencies. 日圆疲弱,区内其它货币面临贬值压力。

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