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The flow process of applying iron-carbon micro-electrolysis per-treatment to treat copper phthalocyanine content wastewater, applying physico chemical per-treatment technique to treat resin wastewater, and applying anaerobic-SBR aerobic process as biochem

The flow of melted snow cascaded down the mountainside and into the river. 溶化的雪水如瀑布般沿着山崖边泻入河里。
The flow of people around an exhibition. 参观展览会的观众流量。
The flow of tourist into the temple have wear away the step. 参观寺庙的游客络绎不绝,把台阶都踩坏了。
The flow passage of intermediate-pressure cylinder, as well as the condenser and the vacuum extraction system had also been retrofitted in 2004, the safety and economic behavior of said unit being further enhanced. 2004年又对7号机中压缸通流部分及凝汽器、真空抽气系统进行了改造,机组的安全性及经济性均有了进一步提高。
The flow pattern used finger-type baffle was beneficial to suspension of particles. 指型挡板对颗粒的悬浮非常有利。
The flow process of applying iron-carbon micro-electrolysis per-treatment to treat copper phthalocyanine content wastewater, applying physico chemical per-treatment technique to treat resin wastewater, and applying anaerobic-SBR aerobic process as biochem 含铜酞菁废水采用铁炭微电解预处理技术,树脂废水采用物化预处理技术,再通过厌氧水解—SBR好氧生化处理技术的工艺流程,成功地治理了该有机化工废水,出水达到国家排放标准。
The flow regime inside of the tunnel, the characteristics of hydrodynamic load, the hydrodynamic pressure feature at the gate slot and the vent air speed during the shutting of the gate is studied through model test, and then the reliability of the gate, 通过模型试验研究了事故闸门关闭过程中泄洪洞内的水流流态、门体的水动力荷载特性以及门槽段动水压力特性、通气孔风速,并根据试验结果分析了该闸门动水下门过程中的可靠性,通气孔风速特性和门槽段压力特性。
The flow through gate valves can be from either end. 流体可以从闸阀的任一个端口流入。
The flow-chart and integration of the system as well as the integration of multi-source data have been given in the paper. 并提出每个系统构建的技术路线以及系统集成和多源数据集成的机制。
The flowchart on page 157 outlines the steps involved in selecting a district governor-nominee and is helpful for understanding the sequence of responsibilities in this yearly task. 在下一页第157页的流程图概述遴选一位地区总监提名人的步骤,对于了解这项年度重任的优先顺序有很大的帮助。
The flower border required careful weeding with a trowel but he attacked it with a spade like a bull in a china shop. 花园里沿边的或走道两边的花坛要用一把泥铲小心地除草,但是他却用一把铁锹重手重脚地做,象瓷器店里的一头公牛,一动就会闯祸。

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