Visual model building and mind mappingwith the Network Editor tool.
视觉模型的建设和心智地图的网络编辑工具. |
Visual systems with a fovea are the most familiar, but auditory systems can have an acoustic fovea as well, as has been elegantly demonstrated by Nobuo Suga of Washington University in mustached bats.
视觉系统发展出中央窝是最为人所熟知的例子,而听觉系统同样也可以有中央窝,美国密苏里州华盛顿大学的菅乃武男已经以髭蝠为例,漂亮地证实了这一点。 |
Visual thinking pays attention to the integration of representation, symbols and man's spirit Symbols are dead without man's understanding.
系统思维把人与宇宙看作本质上互相贯通的有机系统;意象思维注重事物表象和文化符号与人的精神的交融作用。 |
Visual, touch and RF meter reading can be done on one round.
视觉读表,触摸读表,和无线电读表都可以一次完成。 |
Visualisation is a big hurdle for people when they are learning to project.
当人们学习投射时,观想会是一个很大的障碍。 |
Visualisation is the biggest problem with all projection techniques.
观想是所有投射技巧中最难的。 |
Visualization refers to associating what we want to remember with information we have remembered.
联想旨在将我们要记忆的与已记忆的信息联系起来。 |
Visualization,recording,diagnosis,remote access,remote parameterizing.
可视化、记录、诊断、远程访问、远程参数设置。 |
Visualize it.
充分发挥想像力。 |
Visualize three highly polished aluminum vases. Approximately 5high, 3 1/2 diameter, each tube is shown empty, one by one. Without any illogical moves or cover you may produce your paraphernalia.
向观众逐一展示三个约5吋高,直径为31/2吋的铝质瓶子,内里是没有东西的,转迅间就可以变出源源不绝的魔术道具出来。 |
Visualize yourself giving a great speech, your voice clear and assured, your audience rapt. It will help calm your nerves and give you confidence.
想像自己在做一个精彩的演讲。你讲话清楚自信,听众聚精会神。这有助于让你精神镇定和增强信心。 |