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I want all the juicy details.

I want a window seat so that I can enjoy the pretty sights during the journey. 我想要个靠窗的座位,好好欣赏沿途的美景。
I want a window seat. 我要靠窗户的座位.
I want a worker, not a clock watcher. Don't you understand. 我要的是一个工人,而不是一个只会看钟表的。你明白吗?
I want all of these, but don't want hates and regrets. 我要这所有的所有,但不要恨和悔.
I want all the existing paint stripped off and new undercoat and gloss applied. I want a thorough job, with no half measures. 我要把原有的油漆全部铲去,并要涂上新的内涂层和上光剂。我要彻底地干一下,决不马马虎虎。
I want all the juicy details. 我要知道其中有味道的详情。
I want also to add that part of my conviction is based on my training as an Anglo-American common lawyer. 我还想补充说明,我的信念部分地建立在我作爲英裔美国人一名普通律师所接受的训练上。
I want an amethyst ring, but I don't know what my ring size is. 我要一只紫水晶戒指,但是我不知道我的戒指尺码。
I want an exact translation of this sentence. 我要这个句子的正确翻译。
I want an immediate reply. 我要求立即答覆我.
I want an upper berth / a middle berth / a lower berth in the sleeping car. 我想要卧铺车厢中的上铺/中铺/下铺。

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