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Soldiers on duty as safeguards occupy a protected status.

Soldiers jeopardize their lives in war. 士兵们在战争中使他们的生命陷入险境。
Soldiers moved in on the well-defended old house from all sides. 士兵们从四面八方进逼那所防守严密的老房子。
Soldiers must be fearless; they cannot get cold feet in the midst of battle. 军人一定要无畏,他们不可以在战争中临阵退缩。
Soldiers must obey orders. 军人必须服从命令.
Soldiers often have distinctive insignias on their lapels. 士兵的翻领上常佩有特殊的军阶识别符号。
Soldiers on duty as safeguards occupy a protected status. 值护航警卫勤务之士兵拥有被保护地位。
Soldiers on the battlefield lead a precarious life. 士兵跨入战场,生命就没有了定数。
Soldiers push their way through, swaggering and malevolent; a roving stage light suddenly picks out two women in the audience as Iraqi aid workers. 士兵们从人群里挤过去,趾高气扬、心怀怨毒;突然,一束移动的舞台灯光打在了观众里两名妇女身上,示意她们是伊拉克援助人员。
Soldiers say they are feeling the spirit of Christmas despite being thousands of miles away from loved ones. 士兵们说虽然他们与所爱的人相距千里,但仍能感受到圣诞节的精神。
Soldiers serving overseas arrange to remit part of their pay to their wives and families. 海外服役的士兵设法把他们薪水的一部分寄给妻子和家人们。
Soldiers sign out when they leave the barracks. 士兵离开营房得登记签字.

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