With the establishment of the systems about the power of setting administrative punishments, qualifications for implementing administrative punishments, relative concentration of the authority of administrative punishments, hearing, separation of the deci
其所确立的行政处罚设定权制度、实施行政处罚的主体资格制度、相对集中行政处罚权制度、听证制度、罚款决定与罚款收缴相分离制度、政府对行政处罚的监督制度等,是对现行行政处罚制度的重大改革,对改革政府机构、转变政府职能和加强政府法制建设都将产生深远影响。 |
With the ever-increasing popularization o CDs, with the aggressive march of the stereophonic and digital musical TV, with…… and especially with the rapid expansion of the “almighty computer network” force, what else can be done on the part of the music br
随着CD唱片的日益普及,随着立体声及数字式音乐电视迈开咄咄*人脚步,随着……尤其是随着“仿佛无所不能的计算机网络”势力的高速扩张,新世纪音乐广播和音乐广播人还能有所作为吗? |
With the example of green manufacturing system (GMS), this paper builds up the environmental performance objective structure of GMS, and takes an analysis on the measuring process of GMS.
以绿色制造系统为例,建立了该系统的环境绩效目标结构,并对其进行了评估分析。 |
With the excellent human resource, kernel technology, advanced equipment and modern enterprise management the Rewa will provide the top-ranking product and circumspect service to all the customer!
公司拥有优越的人力资源、核心的技术力量、先进的机器设备、现代化的企业管理,为客户提供一流的产品与服务! |
With the exception of Belgium and Italy, most countries increased their revenues over the period.
除了比利时和意大利,多数国家在此期间收入均有增加。 |
With the exception of King Akaba, who had his own separate enclosure, they all had their palaces built within the same cob-wall area, in keeping with previous palaces as regards the use of space and materials.
除了阿卡巴皇帝另选地点修建了宫殿之外,其余的各位皇帝都把皇宫建在了同一个地方,因为这样既可以保持与原有宫殿的联系,也能够充分利用空间和各种资源。 |
With the exception of Roy Keane's blistering first-half strike, which crashed back into play off the woodwork, neither team really deserved to score a goal.
整场比赛中,除了罗伊·坚尼上半时那记被横梁挡出的绝妙抽射之外,双方都没有真正的得分机会。 |
With the exception of Thursday's shutout -- the first time New York has been blanked this season -- Jeter said he felt as though the Yankees have remained close in every game.
随著星期四无预期被理光头完封,这是本季洋基地一次被完封,队长觉得每场比赛洋基都咬的很紧。 |
With the exception of a few diehards, they all welcomed the proposals for reform.
除了少数的死硬派以外,他们全都欢迎改革的提案。 |
With the exception of assigning to tuples and multiple targets in a single statement, the assignment done by augmented assignment statements is handled the same way as normal assignments.
除了在一条语句中赋值给元组和多个对象的情况,增量赋值语句所完成的赋值用与普通赋值同样的方式处理。 |
With the exception of biomass fired stokers, to obtain a permit for a new coal fired stoker today would be exceedingly difficult.
除了以植物材料与农业废物为燃料的助燃机外,在今天要想获得许可、添置新的燃煤助燃机会比登天还难。 |