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Reduction Crack in the Pumping transfer concrete during the megathermal climateIt is a diffcult problem. the unit undertaking project of NO: 4 pump station for diverting water from the south to the north make a beneficial explore form the design of mix pr

Reducing the data rate by one-half will double the duration of each symbol interval. 数据率减慢一半,将使每个符合间隔的持续时间增加一倍.
Reducing the frequency or amplitude of the current causing the interference may be impracticable but it is frequently possible to reduce the mutual inductance between the interfering and interfered with circuits by reducing loop areas on both sides and, p 一般说来,用降低引发干扰的电流的频率和大小的方法来减少耦合是不容易做到的,但是,如果能减少干扰源电路和被干扰电路各自的环路面积,就可以降低二者之间的互感,同时,还可能增加这些电路的间距。
Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government. 缩小贫富之间的差距是政府面临的主要难题之一.
Reducing the power consumption of a microprocessor by one watt reduces the consumption of a data centre by three watts, since it means less energy is required for cooling. 微型处理器每减少一个瓦特的能耗,数据中心就可以节省三个瓦特的能耗,这也就意味用来冷却的能耗将更少。
Reducing unemploymentis the focal point of the government's plans. 减少失业人数是政府计画的重点.
Reduction Crack in the Pumping transfer concrete during the megathermal climateIt is a diffcult problem. the unit undertaking project of NO: 4 pump station for diverting water from the south to the north make a beneficial explore form the design of mix pr 摘要高温季节泵送混凝土裂缝控制的当前工程界一个难题,南水北调淮安四站工程建设中,建设单位科学安排、精心施工,从控制混凝土配合比、入仓温度等多方面着手,对混凝土裂缝控制技术进行了有益的探索,并取得了预期的效果,为混凝土抗裂技术积累了经验,对同类型泵站的施工具有重要的参考意义。
Reduction Sales by Huaxing Dress Store. 华兴服装商店大甩卖!
Reduction of points threshold required for HSMP approval to 65 points . HSMP需要分值的要求降低到65分。
Reduction of rural socioeconomic deficiencies is directly related to sustainable water management, whether for irrigation or for domestic and industrial consumption. 降低农村社会经济学的差距与可持续水资源管理直接相关,不论是灌溉还是家庭和工业用水。
Reductive treatments were effective against ligneous chromophores, but this was often not so for chemical dyestuffs. 还原剂处理对木质素色质有去除效果但对废水之染料常无效。
Redundant characters often work as checking devices, as in parity and other checks. 冗余字符通常用作校验手段,如奇偶校验或其它校验。

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