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The study found a person's chances of becoming obese went up 57 percent if a friend did, 40 percent if a sibling did and 37 percent if a spouse did.

The study focuses on the psycholinguistic processes that lead to these errors , thereby offering a new angle for the research of L2 mental lexicon. 该研究关注词汇错误产生的心理过程,为心理词库表征的研究提供了新的视角。
The study found (2)a person's chances of becoming obese went up 57 percent if a friend did,(3) 40 percent if a sibling did (4)and 37 percent if a spouse did. 研究报告的撰写者之一、圣地亚哥加州大学的詹姆斯·福勒说:“我们惊讶的发现,住在几百英里远的朋友对一个人体重的影响与住在隔壁的朋友同样大。”
The study found 77 percent of women surveyed would prefer a new plasma television to a diamond solitaire necklace and 56 percent would opt for a new plasma TV over a weekend vacation in Florida. 调查发现77%的受访女性更想要一台新等离子电视,而不是钻石项链;56%的女性更青睐一台新等离子电视,而不愿周末去佛罗里达度假。
The study found U.S. broadband adoption grew to 52 percent over 2006, up from 42 percent in 2005. 调查发现,美国的宽带使用率从2005年的42%上升到了2006年的52%。
The study found a higher BMI was associated with lower cognitive test scores. 研究发现,体重指数越大,认知测试的得分越低。
The study found a person's chances of becoming obese went up 57 percent if a friend did, 40 percent if a sibling did and 37 percent if a spouse did. 研究发现,如果一个人的朋友发胖,那么这个人发胖的几率会上升57%;如果他的兄弟姐妹发胖,他发胖的几率会增加40%;如果配偶发胖,他发胖的几率则会增加37%。
The study found eating six servings of fruit and vegetables per day per 1,000 calories cut the risk of head and neck cancer by 29 percent compared to eating one and a half servings. 研究发现,与每天吃一份半蔬菜和水果相比,每天吃六份相当于1000卡热量的蔬菜和水果,可使头颈癌的发病率降低29%。
The study found pupils who ate the high GL breakfast were prone to be disruptive, concentrated less on their work and were much more fidgety than those who had the low GL breakfast. 研究发现那些食用了高血糖负荷的早餐的学生更容易受到干扰,对他们的课程集中力很差,而且比那些食用低血糖负荷食物的学生容易烦躁。
The study found that a marathon runner could dangerously dilute the blood with an overdose of liquids, risking a coma and even death. 该报告指出,参加马拉松赛时过量摄入水分是很危险的,因为大量的水分将稀释血液,可能导致昏迷甚至死亡。
The study found that a substance in green tea, a major polyphenol called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) has the ability to block the HIV virus from attacking the immune system. 该研究发现绿茶中主要的一种茶多酚,表没食子儿茶素没食子酸酯(EGCG),能够阻止HIV病毒攻击免疫系统。
The study found that between 1996 and 1998 the chance that a child would be seated in the front of a car equipped with dual air bags decreased by about 50%, compared with cars with only driver-side air bags or none at all. 该调查发现,相对于没有安装安全气囊或者只在驾驶者座位安装安全气囊的汽车来说,从1996年到1998年的3年中间,双安全气囊的汽车上,小孩坐汽车前排的可能性下降了一半。

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