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But, speaking at the Woodrow Wilson Center, a non-partisan public policy group that focuses on international affairs, he suggested Iraqi society is showing far more strength, resolve, and forbearance in confronting violence than it gets credit for in worl

But, perhaps more than you, those companies (NAVTEQ, Tele Atlas and friends) are the “Intel inside” of geospatial applications. 这些做数据的公司有人员和技术进行更新和封装数据,使用的是你们相抵触的工具和服务提供商。
But, realistically, does “the world” really care? 但是事实上每个人都会关心吗?
But, referring to Islamic extremism, he said, In the end this can only be taken on and defeated by the community itself. 但不莱尔在提及伊斯兰极端主义分子时说:“这最终只能由社会民众自己决定时接纳它还是挫败它。”
But, she added, it had been stolen from her locker at school (she was a teacher) more than a year before. 但是,她补充说,伞一年多前被人从学校的柜子里偷走了(她是个教师)。
But, she added, it hade been stolen from her locker at school (she was a teacher) more than a year before. 但是,她接着说,伞早在一年多以前就已经被人从学校的柜子里偷走了(她是个教师)。
But, speaking at the Woodrow Wilson Center, a non-partisan public policy group that focuses on international affairs, he suggested Iraqi society is showing far more strength, resolve, and forbearance in confronting violence than it gets credit for in worl 然而,在伍德罗威尔逊中心(一个关注国际事务的超党派公共政治组织)发言时,他说伊拉克社会在面对暴力事件应当表现出更大的意志,决心以及耐力,而并不在意是否获得世人的好评。
But, still, by virtue of the polarized dynamics, it does seem to represent a more real opportunity than union with God does. 尽管如此,光看二元对立经验中的冲劲与活力,小我的存在似乎比天人合一更有实现的可能。
But, systematic arrangement is not omnipotent, only by including legal obligation into the category of conscience in applied ethics, can it be possible to fully solve the problem of investigating administrative legal obligation under the frame of interact 但是,制度安排并不是万能的,它存有天然的弊端,只有将行政法律责任纳入到应用伦理学中的良心的范畴,进行分析研究,才有可能全面解决在政府-官员-公众三者的互动关系的框架下的行政法律责任追究问题。
But, that is not the only defensive measure set up by the Red Wizards. 但是,这并不是红法师唯一的防御方法。
But, that would be made up for, by having a huge spring clean of the entire house…which wasn't much fun. 但是,那是要付出代价的——对全家来一个新春大扫除……那可不是什么乐事。
But, the Defendant had failed to reply to those faxes di atched by the Plaintiff by taking an evasive attitude. 然而,被诉人对申诉人的电传却采取躲避态度,一直不予答复。

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