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2002 Work for Remus foreign trade company as a officer.

2001 is a full moon night, on three-under for you to: a child to dream of a round like, two days more than willing to sweet cakes, like beauty to three months cents. 又是一年月圆夜,月下为你许三愿:一愿美梦好似月儿圆,二愿日子更比月饼甜,三愿美貌犹如月中仙。
2001 the members of Deshaus Studio visited the ancient Chinese architecture in Shanxi province, including the the Caves of Yun-gang, Xuan-kong Temple in Mountain Hen, the Wooden Pagoda of Fu-gong Temple, Fo-guang Temple, Nan-chan Temple, Ping-yao ancient 2001年八月下旬,大舍建筑工作室考察了山西古建,其中包括大同云岗石窟、恒山悬空寺、应县木塔、豆村佛光寺、南禅寺、平遥古镇和乔家大院。
2001 the most efficient WE absorption chiller is manufactured. 2001年生产出最有效的WE型吸收式制冷机。
2002 Deshaus office moved to the second floor of west wing of Shanghai Opera House. 10 2002年8月,大舍建筑工作室搬入与原办公室在同一花园内的西小楼2楼。
2002 Library handbook. Hong Kong Institute of Education. Library. 2002图书馆手册.香港教育学院.图书馆.
2002 Work for Remus foreign trade company as a officer. 2002在广州雷慕斯贸易公司任贸易工作人员。
2002 direct a TV series CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, commissioned by the Supreme Court of China. 2002年执导中国最高人民法院的电视系列剧《罪与罚》的样片。
2002 has been the best of his career and his merits are unquestionable. 2002年是罗纳尔多职业生涯中最成功的一年,他的成绩不容质疑。
2002 winner of gold of day world cups are Brazilians the LuoNaDuois many, he broke to continuestrange turnthat six shooters with the best world cup enter 6 balls finally, obtaining 8s to enter ball. 2002韩日世界杯的金靴得主是巴西人罗纳尔多,他终于打破了连续六届世界杯最佳射手只进6球的“怪圈”,取得了8个进球。
2002MTV-Lyvra Fashion Award was opened with a fashion show, beautiful music together with the catwalk of models again proves that music and fashion are two closely related elements which influence the prevailing trend. 莱卡风尚颁奖大典在精彩的时装秀中开场,精致的音乐和令人赏心悦目的模特表演再次证明了音乐和时尚这两个重要元素的密切关系以及他们的融合对流行文化产生的影响.
2003 Antonia Chao, 2003, Gender Politics of Cultural Citizenship: A Case Study of Marriage between Mainland Brides and Glorious Citizens in Taiwan. Annual Meeting for Cultural Studies Association of Australia. January 3-5. 2002《公民身分、国族主义与亲密生活:以老荣民与大陆新娘的婚姻为例》。发表于「重访东亚:全球、区域、国家、公民」文化研究学会年会,12月14-15日。

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