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In videotex, a display character which can have one of 128 different shapes.

In very truth gold is god today and rules with pitiless sway in the affairs of men. 事实上,金子仍是当今的上帝,以无情的权势执掌着人类的事务。
In victory, Lula has been conciliatory, saying that the “true adversaries” are backwardness and social injustice. 在获胜之后,卢拉已经显示和解态度,他称“真正的对手”是国家退步和社会不公。
In video disk, a consecutive sequence of frames. 在视频光盘上,一种连续的帧序列。
In video systems, something unnatural or unintended observed in the reproduction of an image by the system. 在视频系统中,图象重显时观察到的反常的或非有意安排的某些东西。
In videotex it is used to highlight a part of the page. 在可视图文技术中,用来重点突出一页的某一部分。
In videotex, a display character which can have one of 128 different shapes. 在可视图文系统中使用的一种显示字符,它可以是128种不同形状中的一种。
In view of Hubei province integrated service communication network, the technical experience of the interconnect of optical SDH transmission equipment manufactured by Huawei and ATM exchange equipment manufactured by Beidian was briefly introduced. 摘要从湖北省综合业务通信网络入手,简单介绍了华为SDH光传输设备与北电ATM交换设备互联的技术经验。
In view of Jiangsu harbors characteristics and the development strategy, we divide the Jiangsu harbors along the Yangtze River into three big harbor groups, and design the specific pattern for each harbor group. 针对江苏沿江港口的自身特色和发展驱动力,将江苏沿江港口划分为三大港口群,并对港口群的具体模式进行了设计。
In view of Shaoshan's specific conditions, the township should be characterized with ecology, village and solemn atmosphere. 从韶山的具体情况出发,城镇化应有生态性、乡村性、肃穆性之特色。
In view of a usual upsurge of drink driving cases during long holidays, the Traffic Police will step up enforcement measures against this offence during the forthcoming holidays. 鑑于长假期间,酒后驾驶的个案数字可能上升,警务处交通部将会在这段期间加强执法。
In view of anxiety that hepatitis B virus carriers have, the authors propose that physical training can improve their mental health. 摘要针对乙肝病毒携带者广泛存在的焦虑心理,分析认为,体育锻炼可有效提高乙肝病毒携带者的心理健康水平。

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