Bradycardia can be treated with atropine, although high doses are sometimes necessary .
心动过缓可以通过阿托品治疗,虽然有时候需要大剂量[6]。 |
Bradykinin powerfully stimulates nociceptors, and an antagonist that blocks its receptors would certainly prevent those receptors from activating nociceptors.
那麽,能阻断缓激肽受体的拮抗剂,必定可以防止这些受体造成的痛觉受器活化。 |
Bragging about one's advanced degree is not an en-dearing quality.
(自夸自己高学位的人,不是令人敬爱的气质。) |
Brahmagupta,,As the sun eclipses the stars by its brilliancy, so the man of knowledge will eclipse the fame of others in assemblies of the people if he proposes algebraic problems, and still more if he solves them.,
正如太阳之以其光芒使众星失色,学者也以其能提出代数问题而使满座高朋逊色,若其能给予解答则将使侪辈更为相形见绌. |
Brahmagupta, in the 7th century had said about gravity that Bodies fall towards the Earth as it is in the nature of the Earth to attract bodies, just as it is in the nature of water to flow.
婆罗门加塔,在七世纪已经说过引力是“物体掉到地面上其实是地球拥有吸引物体的本性,就像水有流动的本性一样。” |
Brahmaputra Grand Hotel, Tibet. Deputy Manager of Guest Services Center.
2006年9月至2007年2月,于雅鲁藏布大酒店任客服部副经理一职。 |
Brahms found that ideas came effortless only when he approached a state of deep daydreaming.
布拉姆斯发现,只有当他接近一种深沉的白日梦境时,他的乐思才轻松而来。 |
Braids are also a cool alternative this winter.
编小辫同样是这一季很棒的可选发型之一。 |
Brain CT scan revealed a mass lesion in the left side cavernous sinus.
脑部电脑断层扫描摄影发现一软组织肿块位于左侧海绵窦位置。 |
Brain Fuel contains no: yeast, salt, sugar, gluten, dairy, starch, soy, animal products, artificial preservatives or coloring.
脑活素不含:酵母、食盐、糖、麸质、奶油、淀粉、豆类、动物产品、人工防腐剂、色素。 |
Brain Net. A Distributed Search Engine Network. Aims to be a scalable distributed search engine allowing dynamic connection of nodes. Performance depends on bandwidth.
脑网络,一个分布式的搜索引擎网络,目标是成为一个可扩展的分布式搜索引擎,允许动态度连接节点,性能依赖于带宽。 |