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Scott assured me that I would become used to all the metal in my mouth.

Scott Temple, a professor of psychiatry at Penn State University who has been involved in two recent studies of auditory hallucinations, notes that those who suffer such hallucinations frequently lack insight into their illness. 或许因为如此生动的经验,他说,甚至有些想经过治疗改善的人,很少判定医学养生会或多或少帮助他们保护他们的大脑不受政府武器的攻击。
Scott Williams has been appointed the new General Manager of Crowne Plaza Jinan in April 2007. 2007年4月,思高德先生被任命为济南贵和皇冠假日酒店的新总经理。
Scott Wood, chief archaeologist for the Tonto National Forest. “Record it as a feature.” After scraping in the dirt for a while and lighting a cigar, Wood leans against his cane and begins to muse: it's a little big to be a storage pit, about right for a 他在地上刮了一会儿,又点了根菸,然后倚在手杖上,若有所思地说:这要做为储藏穴有点太大,做为谷仓就刚好,但怎麽没看见压平的泥地板?
Scott a reviated his eech, so he would not bore anyone. 斯科特缩减了他的演讲,以免让人感到厌烦。
Scott abbreviated his speech, so he would not bore anyone. 斯科特缩减了他的演讲,以免让人感到厌烦。
Scott assured me that I would become used to all the metal in my mouth. 斯科特安慰我,说我会习惯嘴里的金属的。
Scott came home from a convention last month and presented me with a thick historical novel. 斯科特上月去开会,回来后他送给我一本厚厚的历史小说。
Scott certainly is a chip off the old blewwminds me so much of his father when he was that age. 斯克特酷似他爸爸。他让我想起他爸爸在他这年龄时的许多事。
Scott certainly is a chip off the old block. He reminds me so much of his father when he was that age. 斯克特酷似他爸爸。他让我想起他爸爸在他这年龄时的许多事。
Scott has a flat in London as well as a house in Edinburgh. 斯科特不仅在爱丁堡有座房子,而且在伦敦有个套间。
Scott is a member of the first team squad this season, after spending much of last term on loan at Plymouth Argyle. 这个赛季斯科特是一线队的一员了,他在上赛季长期被租借到朴利茅斯队。

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