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All great ape ecies risk extinction, either in the immediate future or at best within 50 years, because of the growing destruction of forests, poaching, the live-animal trade and the encroachment of huma on their habitat, the conference organizers said.

All governments have to do is issue licences to operators, establish a clear and transparent regulatory framework and then wait for the phones to work their economic magic. 所有的政府部门所要做的是颁发许可证给这些手机商们,建立明晰易懂的规章制度,然后等着手机施展它们的经济魔力。
All graphs are finite simple undirected graph with no isolated vertices in this paper. It is completed the classification of graphs on which a semidihedral group acts edge-transitively. 摘要运用图的自同构理论,获得了关于半二面体群边传递的图Γ的完全分类。
All great achievements begin with enthusiasm! 一切伟业皆源于热情!
All great achievements require time. 所有重大的成就都需要时间.
All great actions and thoughts, all have a insignificant beginning. 一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始。
All great ape ecies risk extinction, either in the immediate future or at best within 50 years, because of the growing destruction of forests, poaching, the live-animal trade and the encroachment of huma on their habitat, the conference organizers said. 会议的组织者们说,由于森林被不断地破坏,以及偷猎、买卖活体动物和人类对其栖息地的侵犯,整个大型类人猿的种群都有灭绝的危险,有的就近在眼前———最长在50年内也会灭绝。
All great ape species risk extinction, either in the immediate future or at best within 50 years, because of the growing destruction of forests, poaching, the live-animal trade and the encroachment of humans on their habitat, the conference organizers sai 会议的组织者们说,由于森林被不断地破坏,以及偷猎、买卖活体动物和人类对其栖息地的侵犯,整个大型类人猿的种群都有灭绝的危险,有的就近在眼前———最长在50年内也会灭绝。
All great art comes from a sense of outrage. 伟大的艺术都源于愤世疾俗。
All great lives have contained uninteresting streches. 所有伟大的生活都有无趣的阶段.
All great love is selfish. 任何伟大的爱都是自私的爱。
All great men have moustaches. 每个杰出的男人都留胡子。

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