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While in the apartment, please observe the Regulations on Foreign Teachers' Apartments.

While in petition on your behalf they also long after you on account of the surpassing grace of God upon you. 14他们也因神在你们身上超越的恩典,切切的想念你们,为你们祈求。
While in possession of the lease item, the lessee shall perform the obligations of maintenance and repair thereof. 承租人应当履行占有租赁物期间的维修义务。
While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl who may have been his jailer's daughter. 在监牢时,据说范伦坦和一位狱卒的女儿年轻少女坠入爱河。
While in red-hot form he hit a hat-trick against Germany in Munich when England historically triumphed 5-1 in a World Cup qualifier in 2001. 2001年,在世界杯预选赛上,状态极好的欧文在慕尼黑上演了帽子戏法,帮助英格兰队历史性的以5比1的大比分战胜了德国队。
While in some countries surrogacy is common practice, authorities here frown upon it, although little is done to stop it. 而在一些国家,代孕很常见,虽然这些国家的权威机构对此并不赞成,但也并没有作出什么太多阻止的事情。
While in the apartment, please observe the Regulations on Foreign Teachers' Apartments. 八、外教在公寓住宿时应自觉遵守《外国专家公寓管理规定》。
While in the cone shape mill barrel with cone shape rotor, although the process area is small, the energy density is more centralized, so the density and speed increase greatly and it can get high output. 锥形的研磨腔配以锥形的转子,加工区域虽小,能量密度高度集中,在密度和速度上提高了很多,可获得高产能。
While in the field, there will be times when common sense and the basic rules of firearms safety will require you to unload your gun for maximum safety. 枪不用时要保持开膛状态(栓动式、折开式步枪和转轮枪可以,自动武器这么做似乎不妥--九斤注)。
While in the process of industrialization, the natural envitonment of Chine has been seriously danseaged, the living environment of peasants is deteriorating day by day. 但在追求工业化进程中,中国的自然环境遭到了严重的破坏。
While in this college, moreover, he received an omen of his future rule; for when they were all casting their crowns on the banqueting-couch28 of the god, according to the usual custom, his crown, as if placed there by his hand, fell on the brow of Mars. 然后,在这里的时候,他接到了关于他未来统治的一个预兆;当大家按照习俗,向宴会长椅上的神像投掷他们的王冠的时候(28),他的王冠,好像是被放在那里,落在战神的头上。
While in this course, for the differences of politics, economy, culture, tradition etc between different countries, we necessarily could face various conflicts, the major of which are the unbalance of development, regional differences, interests conflicts 在这一过程中,基于各国政治、经济、文化、传统等差异,必然会遇到各种各样的冲突与矛盾,其主要问题表现为发展不平衡、地域性差异、利益冲突和不同的价值取向。

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