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It disproportionately affects males, with four to six male savants for every one female.

It dismayed us that the project had been canceled. 那个计划取消了,这让我们非常惊讶。
It dispatched a large task force to enemy-held islands 8000 miles away. 英国向8000英里以外的敌占岛屿派遣了一支大规模特谴部队。
It displays a single number, rather than a range of numbers for different handedness and speeds. 它显示一个单独的数字,不再是一个对应武器种类和速度的伤害范围。
It displays about as much morphologic variation as a brown paper bag. 此赘生物在形态学上显示像一个棕色的纸袋。
It displays just one of many memorials to the 9/11 attacks five years ago. 光碑仅是对五年前的9.11袭击的众多纪念物之一。
It disproportionately affects males, with four to six male savants for every one female. 男性出现这种现象的比例特别高,每4~6位男性学者才有一位女性。
It distinguished more hip African-Americans from their short-haired conformist counterparts. 它把更为开放的非裔美国人和留着短发的保守非裔美国人区别开来。
It disturbed his sense of time. 这搅乱了他的时间意识。
It divides an approximate solar year of 360 days into 12 lunar months of 27 (according to the early Vedic text Taittiriya Samhita or 28 (according to the Atharvaveda, the fourth of the Vedas, 19.7.1.) days. 它把360天的太阳年划分成12个月,每个月27天(依照早期的吠陀文献《婆罗贺摩赞》或者28天(依照第四部吠陀经《阿达婆吠陀》,19.7.1.)。
It do good to your healty by eating more vegetables. 多吃蔬菜对你的健康有好处。
It do provide information of the installation of pop specific software on system other than ad3. 它的确提供除AD3以外系统上POP指定的软件的安装信息。

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