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Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been.

Meanwhile, ministry figures show that in the first two months of this year, retail sales in the sector reached 205.91 billion yuan, up 17 percent on the same period in 2006. 据统计,今年前两个月,餐饮业的营业额达2059.1亿元,比去年同期上涨17%。
Meanwhile, molecular techniques are much better than traditional morphological methods in hybridization study. 而在杂交研究领域,文章揭示了分子生物学手段有着比传统形态分析方法更多的优越性。
Meanwhile, money supply is increasing rapidly, indicating stronger demand for credit, and potentially higher investment pressure. 与此同时,货币供应量快速增长,这显示对信贷的需求增强了,潜在的投资压力加大了。
Meanwhile, moreover, the export products with high additional value were marked out and provide economic support. 再者,高度附加值的出口产品将被标识出,并被提供经济支持。
Meanwhile, morphological characteristics of D. glomerata have significant relationships: those with upright and constrictive inflorescences have longer and narrower leaves, stronger stems, longer flag leaves, well-developed stamens and stronger seed repro 2)鸭茅植物形态学特征间存在明显相关性,花序直立、紧缩的鸭茅,叶片窄长,茎秆粗壮,旗叶较长,雄性生殖器官发育良好,结种性能强;而花序下垂、开展的鸭茅则与之相反。
Meanwhile, my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. 与此同时,我的舌头忙于寻找被拔牙齿的伤口。
Meanwhile, my two Captains should be able to lead the Mudlanders until our two forces can join up again. 其间,我的两名队长则可以率领沼泽住民直到我们会师为止。
Meanwhile, new bird flu cases are reported in Russia and in China's Inner Mongolia region. 同时,俄罗斯和中国内蒙古地区都报告发生了新的禽流感病例。
Meanwhile, new oil infrastructure projects could stoke imports. 同时,新的石油基础设施项目可能刺激进口。
Meanwhile, not all believe that the trading is legal; and some even regard it as fraud or a joke. 同时,并不是所有人多认为这种做法合法,有些人甚至认为这是一种欺骗或玩笑。
Meanwhile, oil buyers were beginning to panic. 与此同时,石油买主们开始感到恐慌。

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