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LL: Well, if you can't afford the real thing, why would you want to buy a cheap knock-off?

LL: Well, I just noticed that you have a brown spot smack-dab in the middle of your sweater. 什么?我毛衣上有一块咖啡色的脏东西?哎呀!肯定是我早上吃巧克力时滴在衣服上的。你说的对,这还恰恰在我毛衣的正中间。
LL: Well, I thought it was a long shot that you'd be willing to spend your vacation with my family. My parents sometimes could be boring. 怎么会呢?我很喜欢你爸爸妈妈。他们很和善,也很风趣。你妹妹也是个很有意思的人。我想我们会玩得很开心的。
LL: Well, Li Hua, I have to level with you and say that you might not make the best impression on Jake if you're falling all of the time. 对,我要是老摔倒,他看见了怎么会对我有好的印象呢!我还是少溜一些,站在一旁看别人溜吧!
LL: Well, book stores often give away freebie bookmarks. But, I think my favorite freebie is food! 书店给的书签没有什么吸引力。我也喜欢超市里为了推销而提供的那些免费食品,什么面包呀,蛋糕呀,肚子饿的时候可好啦!
LL: Well, first you stick the entire doohickey on a flat surface of a table. 先把这工具放在平的桌面上。我来试试,看看这个东西是怎么切苹果的。
LL: Well, if you can't afford the real thing, why would you want to buy a cheap knock-off? 买不起真货的人才买假冒品嘛!有的假冒品做的非常好,你不仔细看还分不出是真是假呢!你看,这个皮包还是很漂亮,而且也很实用呢!
LL: Well, in this case my know-it-all older brother would say to me, You know, Larry, technically the earth is not round. 什么?!他会说,地球实际上并不是圆的?人人都知道地球是圆的。看来你哥哥并不是无所不知啊。
LL: Well, it would save some money. I also have some frozen dinners we could nuke. It would be faster than going to a restaurant. 嗯,吃冷冻食品是比去餐馆吃饭是比较快,又便宜,可是我觉得冷冻食品不好吃耶!吃东西还是要吃新鲜的好!
LL: Well, it's your decision whether you want to buy a knock-off. 我很喜欢这个皮包。不过我现在还不需要。算了吧!我想还是别买了。
LL: Well, no, of course not. For instance, my friend Pete eats like a pig, but there isn't an ounce of flab on his body. It's amazing. 西方人好象是很容易发胖,一旦胖了就很难瘦下去。如果不运动,肥肉就不会消失?我倒不认为所有的西方人都像这样。
LL: Well, the reason vacation is so valuable is because I can sit around and don't do jack all day. Usually I'm a very busy guy. 你说得也有道理,就是因为放假了,才有可能懒散一点儿;什么事情也不做。平时又要学习又要打工,是够忙的。

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