When a child is born, the women of the family must carry it three times around its parents' hearth and then examine it for birthmarks.
孩子出生后,这家的女人们必须抱着他,绕父母的壁炉转三圈,然后检查他的胎记。 |
When a child is talking to himself while playing alone or reading aloud, his parents should avoid interrupting him and breaking his train of thought.
当孩子在自言自语地玩耍,或大声读书时,父母不要去打断他才不会因此造成思考中断。 |
When a child is watching TV or surfing the Internet, parents should carefully supervise to regulate website access and program viewing so that he may learn the proper way of using these two learning mediums.
百宝箱内容孩子无论在看电视节目或漫游网路时,父母都应担任监督与辅导的角色,过滤网路与电视节目,教导正确观念。 |
When a child makes a mistake, avoid the “I'm right and you're wrong” scenario. Instead, listen to his needs and ask him the reason behind his behavior.
当孩子犯错时,千万别以「我对、你错」的态度来对待,要听听他的需要,多问为什麽,例如问问「为什麽要把玩具丢掉?」,多了解孩子的需求。 |
When a child makes a mistake, don't be anxious to point out his error but encourage him to try again.
当孩子做错时,不要急著指责他,只要告诉他再做一次。 |
When a child makes a mistake, parents should teach him how to deal with his mistake rather than using blame.
当孩子犯错时,除了给予适当的责备,更应教导他补救过错。 |
When a child of God begins to get a real vision into the need of the Church and of the world, a vision of the Divine redemption which God has promised in the outpouring of His love into our hearts, a vision of the power of true intercession to bring down
当神的儿女开始得着真实的异象,看见今日教会以及全世界的需要,看见神的救赎并应许将他的爱浇灌在我们心中,看见真实的代祷能带下属天的祝福,看见神准许我们作代祷者的尊荣,并有分于他的代祷工作时,我们即视此为神对于地的一件最崇高的心意——借着昼夜不断的代祷使神的大能显在地上。 |
When a child reacts emotionally such as by crying, guide him to channel his negative emotions in a more open way.
面对孩子的情绪反应,父母应该在孩子大哭大吵之后,再以开放式的辅导方式,适当的引导小孩说出负面的情绪,「来告诉吗咪为什麽哭?」 |
When a child reports to you that a classmate was passing rubbing alcohol around on the bus and asking students to sniff it, he is reporting to the right person.
当孩子向你报告:班上有同学在公车上传递涂有酒精的物品,并要求其他同学去嗅闻,孩子是向「对」的人报告。 |
When a child sees a miniature of a familiar object, visual information—the object's shape, color, texture and so on—activates the child's mental representation of its referent.
幼儿看见一件熟悉物事的迷你版本,视觉资讯(那件物事的形状、颜色、质地等特徵)便启动了那件物事的心象。 |
When a child takes apart his toys, have him put them back together again to help satisfy his learning curiosity as well as to teach him respect for his playthings.
当玩具被孩子分解时,父母可以劝孩子将其重组回原来的样子,满足孩子想要了解玩具构造的心理,同时学会重视东西。 |