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A colorless, odorless, clear liquid noncombustible, thermostable, Very stable to various chenicals, having good lubricity &excellent dielectric properties, nonpoisonous &noncorrosive.

A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax! 一群蜜蜂把发动机当作了蜂房,发动机在蜂蜡中被完整地保存了下来。
A colony of the Greeks of Thera, Cyrene was one of the principal cities in the Hellenic world. 昔兰尼是锡拉岛希腊人的殖民地,是希腊最主要的城市之一,它当时已经完成了罗马化。
A color filter can be used to make a subject more prominent against the background by absorbing one specific color.It is also used for control of image contrast. 彩色滤片使照射光带有颜色,强调被照物对比,更易判别。同时增加呈像效果。
A color imparted by dyeing. 颜色因染色而带上的颜色
A colored flare used as a warning signal for trucks and railroad trains. 信号火一种为卡车或火车作警告信号的有色火焰
A colorless, odorless, clear liquid noncombustible, thermostable, Very stable to various chenicals, having good lubricity &excellent dielectric properties, nonpoisonous &noncorrosive. 无色无臭透明液体,不燃烧,对热稳定,对各种化学品高度稳定,具有良好的润滑性和优良的介电性,无毒,无腐蚀性。
A colorless, odorless, tasteless, gaseous mixture, mainly nitrogen(approximately78 percent) and oxygen(approximately21 percent) with lesser amounts of argon, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, neon, helium, and other gases. 空气一种无色、无嗅、无味的气体混合物,主要由氮气(约占78%)和氧气(约占21%)组成,还有少量的氩、二氧化碳、氢、氖、氦及其它气体
A colour frame and wiring kit is included as standard. 表配包括彩色框架和配线箱。
A colour television camera analyses the light it receives into red, green and blue. 回答:彩色电视摄像机把接收到的光分解为红、绿、蓝三色。
A column in the periodic table of the elements. 属,族元素周期表上的一栏
A comb for separating flax fibers. 梳麻针排用来分开亚麻纤维的梳子

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