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Taking the contr ol of automatic pallet change (APC) onhorizontal machining center as an example , this paper introduces the features of channel control technique of Siements 84 0 system.

Taking the carton manufacturing industry as an example, based on the development of production scheduling and its present status of application home and abroad, we attempt to make some research on the characteristics in the production process of mixture i 本文在总结和分析国内外生产作业计划的发展和应用现状的基础上,以纸箱生产行业为例,研究了混合型企业生产流程的特点,生产作业计划的特点、研究现状与体系结构。
Taking the child by the hand, He said to her, Talitha kum!(which translated means, Little girl, I say to you, get up!). 可5:41就拉著孩子的手、对他说、大利大吉米.繙出来、就是说、闰女、我吩咐你起来。
Taking the city's roads system into consideration, this paper argues that the position of the LRT shall be determined according to the situation of the passenger flow, the station distribution, the scale and the type of the station, the situation of the t 在设计过程中,首先要根据城市道路网规划,深入研究、合理确定有轨电车的线路走向及其在道路断面中的位置,结合沿线客流情况确定车站分布、布置原则,选择车站位置及结构形式。
Taking the composite insulator as a measurement sample, knowing the waveform conversion condition on the boundary, only a conventional longitudinal testing probe is needed to measurement transverse wave produced by grazing incidence longitudinal wave. 以复合绝缘子为测量样品,为提高测量横波的精度,根据超声波在边界上的波型转换条件,使用常规纵波探头对由掠入射纵波产生的横波进行测量。
Taking the comprehensive budgeting at Hualing-Xiangtan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. as an example, the paper introduces the fundamental ideology and process of budgeting aimed at providing help to those involved in the optimization of comprehensive budgeting 本文以湘钢集团实施的全面预算管理为例,详细介绍了预算管理经济性评价的基本思路和方法,以期对企业加强全面预算管理工作有所帮助,另外,警示企业,全面预算管理并非万能良方。
Taking the contr ol of automatic pallet change (APC) onhorizontal machining center as an example , this paper introduces the features of channel control technique of Siements 84 0 system. 文章以卧式加工中心自动工作台交换(APC)控制为例,介绍了西门子840通道控制技术的特点。
Taking the cultural contact between the Sogdians and the ancient Uighurs as background, the paper makes a textual research on the Sogdian loanword in Diwanu LuBatit-Turk (The Complete Turkish Dictionary) and other ancient Uygur literature. 摘要本文以历史上的文化接触为背景,对《突厥语大词典》等文献中的粟特语借词进行考证。
Taking the decision of Nujiang Dam as an example, this article describes general characters of public participation in the decision-making process of the local government and analyzes interest conflicts, self-interest fondness which expresses and restrain 有鉴于此,需要以怒江大坝决策为例,描述地方政府决策过程中公众参与的一般特征,并对这一过程涉及的利益冲突与表达、抑制决策者的自利偏好、决策程序以及潜规则等问题加以分析。
Taking the deep roadways in 5th coal mine, Pingdingshan Group Company of Coal Industry, as object of study, the effect of properties of surrounding rock on its displacement for deep roadway is evaluated by using the finite difference code FLAC(superscript 摘要以平煤集团五矿的深埋巷道为研究对象,采用有限差分程序FLAC(上标3D)研究了围岩特性对深埋巷道围岩位移的影响,获得了不同岩石内摩擦角和粘聚力条件下深埋巷道围岩位移变化的规律。
Taking the definition provided by Aristotle into account, the orientations of Chinese Rule of Law should be to shape the citizens' notion of respecting the law, which is based on the country's historical tradition, to develop market-oriented economy and d 参照亚氏的法治定义,建设中国法治的努力方向应是,树立国民崇尚法律之理念,努力发展市场经济、民主政治,改革行政司法辖区,并继承移植世界先进法律文化。
Taking the design of Luoyang Art Center as an example, this paper makes great efforts to seek a form at architecture and make it become organic component at urban environment, then achieve this subject. 该文通过对洛阳艺术中心的设计创作的分析,阐述如何寻找一种建筑形式,使之成为城市环境的有机组成部分,从而达到和谐与统一。

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